Three: Dominatrix

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"There's nothing wrong with that. We all have to start somewhere, don't we?"

"I-I guess... do you—do you mind me asking if you're just a waitress?" Taylor asked.

Hayley shook her head. "I don't mind, and I'm not. I'm also a dominatrix here. I only do certain things though."

Taylor swallowed hard. "Certain things? I-I didn't realize some people only do certain things."

"Well, I like lighter play. I'm not into the heavy shit." She explained.

Taylor nodded once. It was more for her to process and wonder about. "So, for someone new, what do you recommend?"

"Start off slow, easy, use your words. Find out what you like and go from there, but don't be scared to try things, even if you don't think you'll like it. Maybe make a list of things you're curious about and start there. What are you curious about?"

Taylor took a moment to make a list in her head. "I-I don't even really know. I mean, I've had boyfriends, but we never did anything... kinky." The word felt foreign to her tongue.

"Have you ever been choked or slapped? Spanked?"

Taylor simply shook her head.

"Hmm," Hayley hummed. "That's a place to start." She said. "Is it sexual or physical for you?"

"I—is there a difference?" Taylor asked, brows slightly furrowed.

"Yes," Hayley said. She chuckled softly. "Some people don't need to get off to feel satisfied."

Taylor bit her lip. The thought of getting off on something kinky lit a fire within the bit of her stomach. "I-I don't really know yet."

"Then that's something you should explore," Hayley stated before grabbing the cherry out of Taylor's drink. She popped it into her mouth, stem included.

Taylor was about to protest before Hayley placed the stem back on the table, which was tied into a knot. She was impressive.

"What are you here for tonight?" the brunette asked.

"Well..." Taylor looked down at her drink before downing the rest of it. "To be honest? I-I was hoping to figure out some things... about myself." She said. The alcohol was starting to make its way into her system.

"Where would you like to start?"

"What are the basics?" Taylor asked.

"How about I get you another drink, and we can talk somewhere more private?" Hayley asked.

Taylor bit her lip anxiously but nodded.

Hayley's dark red-painted lips turned upward into a smirk as she stood back up. She took both of the empty glasses on the table and walked over to the bar. She came back with a small platter, two shots of something dark and an old fashioned with a cherry. "Here," she said as she placed a shot down in front of Taylor.

Taylor hesitated for a moment before downing the shot. She felt the burn of tequila as it slid down her throat. She scrunched her eyes before drinking her old fashioned to wash it down.

"Not a tequila type of girl?" Hayley chuckled before downing her shot.

"Not usually..." Taylor said.

Hayley smirked before holding out her hand. "You can come with me."

As Taylor went to stand up, her eyes caught sight of that woman from the day before – Kloss. She caught her lip in between her teeth as her eyes looked the woman up and down. She was in another latex suit, but this time it was a dark red, and black knee-high boots. Her blonde hair was up in a long ponytail that made her look even sexier.

Afterglow || Kaylor AU *discontinued*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon