KOTLC Reacts to Lodestar

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Hello, and welcome back to another react! Sorry for not publishing or whatever this past week. With school and clubs, I think I'm going to be doing a react every other week instead of weekly during the school year and then do it weekly for the summer. I'm so sorry to change it, but please understand that I'm just very busy. I will also try to extend the length of the reacts, but again I'm just very busy and I can't guarantee that I can do it.

Now that important matters are aside, let's just get on with the show!

I brought everyone through the floor because everyone complained about going through the ceiling last time.

Dex: That felt weird.

Biana: Yeah, who knew going through a solid object like that?

Me: Phasers?

Biana: Oh, yeah, that's right.

Me: Anyway, welcome back to another react that is obviously stated up there somewhere.

Tam: It's just above the door.

Me: Yes, but I was talking to the audience.

Linh: What audience?

Me: The audience that is going to be reading this, of course!

Tam: Riiiight. Anyways, can I do a shadow reading on you? I just realized that I never did one for you. Just like somebody else who also happens to be standing in this room.

Keefe: Yeah, who could you be talking about?

Tam: *glares* Keefe.

Keefe: Tam.

Me: Macarooni101!

Keefe: That is the worst name you could've ever come with.

Me: Well, I'm sorry, but I was just thinking about macaroons when I was making my account and for some reason, my other names I had in mind didn't work.

Keefe: What account?

Me: Nevermind. Anyways, here are your books.

Books have magically appeared into everyone's hands, but Sophie's.

Fitz: Yeah, what account?

Me: I said nevermind.

Biana: Yeah, now I'm interested. What account are you talking about?

Me: I said nevermind.

Dex: Tell us!

Me: No because I'm pretty sure that breaks the fourth wall and I'm not allowed to break that.

Linh: What's the fourth wall?

Me: NEVER MIND! Let's just do the shadow reading over with.

Tam shadows read me.

Tam: *confused* I don't know what to make of what I just read.

Me: Oh, well. At least, you did it. Now, can we get back to the react?

Tam: *glowers* Fine.

Keefe: Hey, Fitzy! You're on the cover!

Fitz: I kinda look weird.

Me: Yeah, but that probably how you look like in whatever that place was.

Linh: Tam looks cool on the cover.

Biana: *blushes* Yeah.

Tam: *blushes*

Sophie: And no surprise here, I'm on the cover. Yay.

Keefe: I know! I wish I am on all of the books!

Me: *gag* Bleh, Sokeefe. *gag*

Keefe: What?

Me: Nothing! Just read your books!

While this exchange was happening (bleh), Tam had just finished the first chapter.

Tam: Ugh. I remembered these.

Linh: Remember what?

Tam: The beginning of the year dance performances. I hate everything about these except for the candy at the end.

Linh: Yes. The candy is so good.

Dex: And lasts for a long time. Mmmmm.

Me: Okay, now continue reading your books! Oh, and Sophie, you do whatever you like.

Time skip to the end of the book.

Me: So, how was the book?

Keefe: I'm glad I left the Neverseen. Worst time of my life!

Tam: Definitely.

Me: So, how do you like it?

Tam: Eh. It was okay. I mostly found out more of my powers as a shade.

Me: Okay. Anyone next?

Linh: I didn't really do much in the book.

Dex: That's basically me in every other book.

Me: Well, what are you this book?

Dex: The stupid boy who didn't know that his mom is part of the Black Swan.

Sophie: You're not stupid! You're the smartest person I know!

Dex: Still.

Me: Wow. You're very sulky about these books.

Dex: Well, the books only show me at my worst.

Sophie: That's not true!

Me: Yeah!

Sophie: It shows you when you're smart as well!

Me: Yeah!

Dex: I guess.

Me: Well, now we have to move on. Fitz? Biana?

Biana: I am saying the same thing as Linh. I didn't really do much in the book.

Me: Okay. Fitz?

Fitz: I didn't really like when Sophie almost died because of Gethen again.

Sophie: *blushes*

Me: Awww!!! Anyways, I got to wrap this up, so everyone say bye!

Everyone: Bye!

I then put everyone back to where they belong with no memories of what just happened whatsoever.

Thank you so much for reading this react! I hope you've enjoyed this, and I am sorry for changing it to every other week instead of every week. I will try to make up for that one week that I've missed eventually, but I don't know when. See you next time! Byeeeee! 810 words!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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