KOTLC Reacts to 🔥Everblaze🔥

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Hello! And welcome back for another react. And as always, let's get on with the show!

I bring in the Keepers through the door. I then immediately closed the door and locked it and threw the key out of the window.

Tam: *mutters to himself* And she says that she didn't kidnap us.

Me: Welcome back for another react! Where today we're going to read Sophie's thoughts.

Sophie: Oh, goody.

Keefe: I like the new sign. Although you could make it cooler.

Me: Thanks, and if I have to make a fancy, new sign for every react. There'd be no more trees.

Keefe: Okay. It was only a suggestion. Oh, and is your name Sammy?

Me: No, and why?

Keefe: Because I want to know what your name is.

Me: Then, why didn't you say anything before?

Keefe: Well, I was more focused on Foster's secrets. So, is it Carrie?

Me: No! I said that I may do it for a react, so you have to wait.

Keefe: Fine. Is it—

Me: Stop it!

Keefe: Okay, sheesh.

Tam: Huh, it looks like you finally found a way to shut Keefe up. Can you tell me how'd you do it?

Me: That's not the point of this react!

Keefe: Yeah, and you shut up Bangs Boy.

Tam: *eye rolls* Whatever.

Me: Anyway, now you know what the book is called-

Biana: And we don't like what Everblaze is.

Me: *continues* And so here's your books except for Sophie.

Dex: Where was this picture taken?

Fitz: I think we're falling from Oblivymere. Although, Oralie isn't with us.

Sophie: Wait! Let me see that!

Sophie grabs Keefe's book.

Keefe: Hey!

Biana: You two look so cute together!

Linh: They sure do.

Sophie: *blushing from how close Fitz is holding her in the picture* It's nothing. He was only saving me from the Everblaze.

Fitz: Yeah.

Sophie gives back Keefe's book.

Me: Okay, and now read your books! And Sophie, you're going to do whatever you like.

Keefe: What! No fair! Why does Foster get to do whatever she wants?

Me: Because I said so. Now go and read!

Keefe: *pouts*

Time skip to the end of the book.

Me: Sooooo, how was the book?

Tam: There was nothing much too it.

Linh: Yeah, but now I know what happened before Tam and I came along.

Me: Okay. Fitz?

Fitz: I didn't like getting attacked by Everblaze. That was horrible.

Sophie: I didn't like that Keneric died because of Everblaze.

Dex: I didn't like that I made the circlet.

Sophie: Dex, it's fine. It didn't hurt that much, and the council made you do it.

Dex: I still don't like that I made it.

Me: Dex, it's fine, and now let's move on. So, what do you think of the book Biana?

Biana: I didn't really do much in this book. I was just there.

Me: Okay. Keefe?

Keefe: There's not enough of me in the book.

Me: Wow. That's it.

Keefe: Yeah.

Me: Okay, and —

Sophie: Wait! Did you say that there were seven books?

Me: Yeah, why?

Sophie: Is this how you know all of us?

Me: Yeah, and it took you long enough to figure that out.

Sophie: Well, I had time to go through all of the scripts earlier.

Me: Oh, well. Let's go wrap this up. Say bye!

Everyone: Bye!

Thank you so much for reading this! Please let me know what you want to react to, and see all next time! Bye! 589 words!


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