Kyungsoo kissed Jongin muttering I got it before going to make a plate for himself and Jongin. Chanyeol Yixing Yifan and Jongdae made plates from themselves and their respective boyfriends.

Jongdae whined as he gave Sehun his plate "why don't you ever spoil me?"

Nana giggled feeding Jongin her bacon. Junmyeon was sure she fed Jongin everything on her plate just so he would feed her in return.

Baekhyun clapped "so Areum when you are gonna give my niece a brother or sister?"

Luhan slapped his arm "shut up Baekhyun Jesus."

Nana looked away from Jongin for once which shocked everybody. "mommy you're having a baby?"

Kyungsoo quickly said "no Baekhyun is just an idiot."

Nana nodded knowing the baby talk was over for now. She poked Jongin's cheek rushing him to feed her more rice.

Areum smiled looking at Jongin and Nana. Her daughter of course was close to all the all the boys but Chanyeol Minseok Jongin and Kyungsoo were her favorite uncles.

Yixing said "Nana did Jongin tell you about our dance class?"

Nana shook her head while trying to catch the bacon Jongin was teasing her with "did mommy say I could dance?"

Areum hummed "yeah you can. I'm actually gonna help them so you can chill with me or dance with your uncles."

Nana bounced excitedly in Jongin's lap "Soo did you hear that? I get to dance with NiNi!"

Kyungsoo nodded "I heard muffin. Are you excited?"

Jongin nudged Nana trying to her to pay attention to her food again. Areum ate silently watching the two be silly together. After breakfast Jongin Baekhyun and Sehun thought it was a good idea to go play outside so Luhan Minseok Yixing and Chanyeol went with them.

Yifan asked "so darling what are you gonna do now that Nana's starting school?"

Areum laid her head on Junmyeon's thighs and he instinctively ran his fingers through her hair "for now I'm just helping Jongin and Xing with dance classes but I still wanna go to school myself."

Junmyeon smiled "Honeybee you can do both. I can man the fort and do more for Nana."

Areum shook her head "you already do so much Myeonie I just I can't sit at home all day. I get restless."

Jongdae asked "what if you come help me and Soo at the bakery? Natalie is looking for another chef."

Yifan hummed "that'd be fun. You love baking and bugging Dae."

Kyungsoo said "I know I called Baekhyun an idiot for asking but are you thinking about another kid now that Nana is in school?"

Junmyeon hummed "I'd love to have another kid but it's up you sweet girl."

Jongdae asked "wait you two have had sex? And didn't tell me or Sehun?"

Areum blushed cutely as Junmyeon said "Sehun knows he tells us were too loud and that we wake up Nana. Why can't you hear us?"

Yifan gagged "please shut up. I don't need to know about my daughters sex life."

Nana came running inside "mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Uncle Hunnie is yelling at a man outside!"

Areum sat up quickly looking out the window fearing the worst and she was right to. There just outside the window surrounded by her brother and best friends was Zitao. What the actual fuck.

"baby go to the basement with Dae and Soo. Don't let her back up here until I say so."

Jongdae nodded as Kyungsoo smiled at Nana "come on muffin let's see if Dae will dress up like a princess for you."

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