"You sure do sleep a lot nowadays. For a king that is so unprofessional for you." Oden announces at Eden's door annoying the poor tired boy. Sure Eden was stress sleeping why you may ask. It's  because just like Oriela he is also in confusion. Marriage, what a stupid idea. Six minds and they all come up with this. They all just agreed with a so called powerful being that can't put the dark forces down without a care of them as individuals. All his training for what. All the pain he went thru just to face all the enemies of his people for what. Apparently he was still weak, despite having half the Ora he was not strong enough. All those years the answer he gets is to what marry an Omegan princess, who he doesn't even know. Forgive him for not being in the mood to do his princely duties, sue him for wanting to literally kick Oden out of his room."Go away!!" he shouts back pulling his blankets over his head. "The Eden I know is an early bird or how I like to call it an early burden. Why are you doing this? Where is my big brother?" "Am sorry for you, I am too tired to start playing big brother right now go amuse yourself with something that wants to get disturbed in the morning." "What are you umm...... What's the word.... pregnant? By the way you sleep too much I presume it may be twins maybe." Oden says his words laced in amusement enjoying every last word but still his brother didn't budge."I would laugh so hard at that bad  joke if I was in the mood for bad jokes but as you can see I prefer to keep calm and not pound you to death." Eden warns him hoping he would go away except that Oden is one persistent pest instead he sits next to his brother grabbing a pillow to squash in his hands to reduce his nervous feeling for he had a question itching to be asked.

"Eden how different would life have been if our two packs were aligned. If the Omegas and Alphas were together as one?" This makes Eden sit up staring at his brother's black hair, looking at him all confused. Did his father already tell him of his upcoming marriage. No Oden is a straightforward person he would have already started teasing him about it there must be something he needs from asking this.  "What makes you ask that?" "Just inquiring. Can't I ask questions or is it too reasonable for someone like me?" Eden throws him a look pretending not to be suspicious at all. What would drive his brother to ask this specific question was it the universe tempting him to check on his answer. He had to think properly inorder to answer this in the best way possible.  "I think it's a stupid question you shouldn't go around tiring that pretty little head brother." "Am serious." "I know..... I don't think it's a bad idea.I don't know how it would be like at all. We have been divided for so long." " It would probably be better  would ever you approve of me having an Omegan girlfriend?"" Ha! You are funny. Now go away." Eden pushes him of his bed. He would have loved to stay awake and help his brother understand the ways of their kingdoms but he still had bigger cakes to bake his father,his people,his soon to be  wife. Oriela was a choice he made but fighting against all odds to be with her was a different choice. Oden sits back at his brother's bed in deep thought wondering if he and his girlfriend had a chance he was the rebellious type,the one whose father wished he never had. Oden was the kind who would put his head before his heart but for now,right now he would rather choose his heart over his mind. "Okay I'll leave you to your sleep brother I have my own tasks to attend to." " You come here destroying my peace and now you want to leave just like that."" Well brother I am a man of many works,excuse me."
Eden stops himself from protesting even further,letting his brother leave the room. "A United kingdom. A white wolf girlfriend,where does he come up with such ideas? This boy!"

                                          Soon Eden's thoughts went back to his unknown fiancee. Questions like Who is she? How is she like ? Kept popping in his head.He asked himself countless times until sleep got the better part of him. "That question is soon going to be answered,quite soon." Xander answers his thoughts making him sit up again ." Tonight." "What do you mean?"" The Omegan princess that is so called betrothed to you. They will be coming over to have dinner with us so get your lazy ass of your bed and clean up. Prepare yourself don't shame me. Queen Griselda is obviously a pain up my ass,I don't want to have her up your ass too." Xander explains his words making Eden chuckle a bit,lighting up his mood. Soon all this was going to be over,he will be obliged to hundreds of responsibilities.

THE CONTINUATION OF THE BLOODY WAR.2🐺☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now