I Live Because Of You ||Last Part||

Start from the beginning

"She was not the leader so no way I was going to snatch leadership, right?" Abhay said looking directly in his eyes indicating him to speak

Jeh looked at him. He wondered if Abhay was talking about their secret.

"You made her leader but she wasn't the leader" Abhay moved his finger on the rim of glass placed on table

"Your strategy wasn't bad" Abhay smirked eyeing him

He knew! Jeh eyes widened. But how? It had happened twenty years back right after they failed to gain powers from Abhay. Right after Abhay killed himself. Haseena was upset and was complaining him for not allowing to get powers from Abhay. He himself was furious and disappointed. Haseena's words were fueling him but he couldn't kill her at that time. He wanted to gain control on Vampires and he knew only Haseena's greed would help him. So he shut her up with threats and came up with a wonderful plan. Vampires were deprived of their power and their leader. So they were weak and Jeh used it in his benefit. He hunted a few vampires panicking the others. Then he sent Haseena as saviour for vampires by a signed treaty that werewolves won't hunt Vampires and vise versa with no condition other than peace. Vampires were impressed by Haseena and made her their leader, eventually giving powers to Jeh as Haseena was his puppet.

A perfect plan that went completely smooth for twenty years until his own friend was hunted down by vampires on Haseena's orders.
Or was it Rudra idea?

Jeh looked at him with questions in his mind.

Damn it why is everyone taking so much time to come here, Jeh thought, suddenly scared in Abhay's presence.

"She started to believe my every word. She respected me but she never identified me. Three days! I met her three days prior only. But she respected me and trusted me with her life. She never doubted me in these three days." Abhay said thinking over the times he met her, his disguise was perfect. Haseena never felt Abhay in Rudra.

The first time he was called Abhay after twenty years was some fifteen minutes back by Haseena only. It brought a lot of memories to him. His identity! His truth! His PAIN!

It hurt him!
But no way he was going to show it to Jeh. He gripped the arm of chair but left it immediately. It would break and poor guy would get scared to death. Abhay smiled slowly.

"I said to vampires, feigning as one of the newest among them, that Samar is leader and he killed one of vampire" Abhay paused and looked at Jeh with amused smile, he wanted to hear his answer.

"You lied!" Jeh said gaining his smile "and here you were bragging that you never lie."

"Did I really lie?" Abhay raised his eyebrow and leaned towards him

Jeh's smile vanished. He realized what he was indicating. They killed a vampire a day before. He had got their secret.

"But you lied about Samar" Jeh said defiantly "he was not leader"

Abhay kept on smiling.

"Are you sure?" Abhay said leaning back "he was second leader but you used him as first leader because you wanted to be at safe side"

Jeh went pale. He realized Abhay knew lot more than he had thought. But again there was this damn question.


Someone is helping him from us, Jeh thought with finality.

"No one!" Abhay said startling and confusing Jeh "I need no one help. I'm not like you, collecting the puppets."

Jeh stood up. He stared at him in shock. Abhay was reading his thoughts, but how.

"How do you..." Jeh was in shock and hell scared, chilly environment wasn't helping either "who are you?"

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