1• Russia × America

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{Bruised Kisses}



"What the fuck have I told you about getting into fights?"

America was ranting angrily, his eyebrows deeply etched together. The nation continued to scold the certain Slav sitting in front of him, who was wiping the blood off his lips with a wet towel.

"Amerika, I'm not even that badly hurt." Russia mumbled, glaring up lightly at the American, who raised an eyebrow at the former's said comment.

"Russia, listen here you fuck--badly hurt or not, you shouldn't ever get into goddamn fights at school! God knows when you'd probably be accidentally stabbed or something! And do you think that wouldn't badly hurt me? Huh?!" America spat out, his cheeks red.

Russia stared at the nation, blinking in suprise. America's face turned a deeper shade of crimson and he turned his uead to the side to avoid the Slav's gaze, his hands trembling a little.

"Ame..." Russia muttered as he slowly got up from the couch to wrap his arms around his boyfriend. "Sorry for troubling and worrying you." The Russian said softly, setting his head on his lover's shoulder.

"It's fine. Sorry for being snappy.." America sighed, closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of Russia's warmth by his side before he gently pried himself away to put his hand upon the other nation's cheek, his eyebrows crinkling in concern as he gently brushed a hand over Russia's cheek, where a bruise had formed.

"Does it hurt?" America asked. Russia let his hand travel up to remove his boyfriend's hand to clasp it with his rough yet careful hands. "A little." The male admitted, albeit in a tone that signified it hurt, a lot.

America's lips twitched a little before he pushed Russia back to the couch, going to the kitchen to retrieve his family's emergency aid kit. (Canada often appeared home looking like he was mauled by a bear, smiling like crazy as France fretted like a housewife.)

America came back with a roll of gauze, and some bandages. The nation placed himself to sit beside his lover, and then set to work.
Russia often let out a grunt or a hiss of pain as America wrapped bandages around his arm. The male slapped the last smiley-face bandage on Russia's face rather agressively.

"There. If I see any new bruises on you tomorrow I will beat the shit out of you myself." America said, his hand on the side of his head, applying a new tape to his sunglasses to make sure it wouldn't fall.

"Yeah, I'll try." Russia said with a cheeky grin, rubbing a hand over his newly bandaged cheek. America let out a soft snort. "Try me, I dare you." He said playfully, but with the hint of a threat.

Russia's grin became a little darker. "Oh I will." The nation said before pouncing on the other, who let out a sound of suprise At the sudden action. The two ploppled down on the couch, and before Ame could regain his thoughts, Russia placed his lips upon his, and kissed him gently.

America's face turned dark red, and his heart beat rather loudly. Flustered, the male kissed back, an action to which Russia hummed happily in his throat. The Slav made sure to not let his tongue go past his boyfriend's lips, not wanting to make the other feel akward in their early relationship stage, since the two had only just got together a month ago.

America could feel his lover's cracked and swollen lips, and made sure not to press too hard, as to not hurt the other nation, who sometimes seemed a little too reckless and excited when it came to showing affection in private.

After a few more moments, Russia finally parted their lips, taking in some air, and watched with fondness as America gaped at him with red cheeks. And then he felt a hand hit the middle of his forehead, causing Russia's head to nearly fly backwards.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" America demanded, extremely embarassed. It just rose even further when Russia laughed loudly, looking unbothered by the smack.

"Sorry- I couldn't help it." The nation said, sobering up as he helped America sit back up. "God, you dick, stop scaring me." Ame grumbled, but his lips were shaped in a fond smile, and his glasses lightly tilted askew, revealing eyes that were filled with adoration.

Russia then pulled America close and held the male in another embrace, his eyes closed. America didn't resist and hugged back, sighing softly. The two stayed in the postion for a few minutes until America piped up in curiousity.

"By the way, your lips tasted like alchohol. Have you been drinking vodka?"

(a/n; wow would you look at that- i actually wrote about these two lmao.
hope you guys enjoyed, this was quite fun to make! requests are greatly appreciated for the next pairing.
thanks for reading💕🌸)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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