Chapter 2

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Sitting on the couch opposite of my uncle, I was nervous . I had not seen them since the death of my parents, I had left my new born babysitting in their care while I handled something's. and now I returned to find out not only were they upset of my being there but also my sister had a surprise something they seemed reluctant to telling me.

"Uncle I'm here to get Laylah, she has stayed here for 19 years now and I believe it is time she knows of her people !" my Uncles face grew stern as his anger rose "You will not come here in my home, demanding anything from us. You left her to care for our people, neglecting the fact that you have a sister for 19years only to come back and make demands" I grew irritated , I was on a time schedule and I had much things to take care of before leaving town tonight "And just how would you have suggested I care for a new born when I had just recently lost both parents? I had to stack claim of our lands at the age of 14 far to young to be..."

The sound of laughter rang down I stood and there she was my baby sister 'she's looks just like mother, only her eyes are different' she looked at me as though she knew me which was impossible for she has not known me since the night of her birth.

I made me way to her , but Uncle stood and got to her first "Lah, come and sit we have a guest!" he gathered her in his arm and brought her to were he was sitting, the young man and child made their way following close behind.

She looked at me as though she had seen a ghost, then the faintest smile spread on her lips only for a moment, had one not been watching one would have missed it.

"I know you." she said a matter of fact "your my brother, are you not?" I smiled and nodded "Yes, your correct and pray tell how do you know that?" I asked looking at my Uncle, my identity should not have been known to her, but she nearly shrugged.

The child struggled out of the young mans arms reaching her chubby little hands to my sister

"And who just might she be?" I asked while my sister smiled and took the child into her arm, no one said a thing while I watch the seen before me.

The child watched me as I watched her , and she smile clapping her hands "Mama!" she said while pointing at me!

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