"This isn't the wilded west" Regina said

"No dear it's the wicked west" Zelena then turned around to everyone eles in her "I want everyone to be there to see the Evil queen loose" she turned back to Regina

"I don't losse" Regina said

Zelena laughted "Either do I, One of us is about to make history.. See you tonight sis" she said laughing and existing the diner leaving everyone to painic. Regina just looks like she really wants to kill my mom. 

I get up from the booth "Told you" I said to her and everyone stares at me

"I guess it is true" said Regina

"What now.. Aunt Regina" I said holding my arms across. I can hear people whispering

"She said to start digging into the past" Regina said

The Emma spoke up "Granny we need to clear this space" 

"Alright everyone out" Granny said.

Not everyone left. 

Regina's POV______

Amber and I stayed so did Tinkerbelle, David, Snow, Emma, Belle

"Are you sure Cora never said anything about her?" asked David pasing around everyone back and forth. 

"I think I would remeber if my mother told me she had a love affir with a scarecrow" I said to David

I love the way she is so scarcastic all the time. 

"It doesn't matter if Zelena is your sister or not she wants you dead any reason why?" asked Emma

"I never met her before today" I said to Emma

"Doesn't mean you didn't do something to piss her off" said Emma

"You did manage to step on a lot of toes back in our world" said Tink

"Well none of them were green"I said to Tink then I rememeber Mia "Sorry" I said to her

"Are you forgetting she bannaded her as a baby and does even bother looking at me just an hour ago?" she said

"Then there's the missing year maybe you did something to her" said Belle

"Stick to your books worm" I said to Snow beucase I already have a bunch of people down my neck already I don't need more.

"Leave my mom out of this" said Amber

Ok fine" I said rolling my eyes

"It's starting to sound you are all on her side" I said getting up from the chair walking away

"Where are you going?" asked Emma

"To find out what this witch thinks I did to her" I said

Snow's POV_________

Emma, Mia and I found Regina in her volt going though papers

"Regina is she telling the truth?" I asked

"I don't know I haven't found anything" said Regina gothing through her trunk while Mia looking through other trunks. 

"Are you sure Cora didn't bobbytrap your stuff, I mean I don't know think a sleeping curse will be good for the baby" I said

I noctied Regina had a pieice of paper in her hands and she stopped taking. Even Mia noticed

"Did you find something?" Mia asked and Regina didn't say anything

Emma came down "David, Belle, Amber and Tink are locking down Mian street just incrase this fight happens" 

"Regina, did you find something?" I asked

"Uh-Uh a letter" Regina said

"What does it say?" asked Emma 

"Zelena is my sister" Regina said and I look ovet to Emma and Mia already knew it. 

Regina holds up the letter and puts it in her poket

"Regina what is it?" I asked

"Nothing don't worry about it" she closed the trunk and turnes to us "It's my fight I got it handled" Regina said walking away

"What the hell was in that letter?" asked Emma

Emma's POV________

We all meet up in main street

"I will talk to blue see if we can get reanforcements" Tink said

"No, You heard Zelena she said no interferatens, She might order gold to kill half the block if we try something before she has a crack at her sister" I said

"So they really are sister?" asked Tink

"She found a letter in her volt conforming it" said Snow

"Where is she?" asked David

"She took off, something really upset her" Mia said

"Should we try to find her?" asked Tink

"Regina was pretty clear she didn't want help" I said

"Your going to let her walk into this fight alone?" asked david

"No she is going to get help weather she likes it or not" I said

Belle finally spoke up "What if I can get through to Rumple without the dagger, me and Amber" 

"Why me?" Amber asked

"Your his daughter, his only kid left" Belle said

"Ok, Let's do it" Amber said

Mia put her arm on Ambers and pulled her to the side

Amber's POV_______

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Are we sure we want to get in the middle of this? We could die trying to be heors when we are not" Mia said

"Our family needs our help" I said

"I know but people die trying to be heros" Mia siad

"I know you are scared but we will get through it together" I siad to Mia

Zelena's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now