Nightmares and Daydreams

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There are three types of people in this world.

The Angels, who control dreams and the daytime.

The Humans, who control plant life (farming)

And the Demons, who control nightmares and the night.

The angels and demons fight a lot, while the humans get caught up in the mess.

Each race has a royal family.

The angels have Britain's family.

The humans chose Brazil.

And the demon's have Soviet's family.


*Americas PoV*

It's going to be nighttime soon, and I stretch. Time to help some sleeping humans and fight any demons I see.

I strap my sword to my back, carefully fitting it between my wings.

The sun set a while ago, so the humans should be sleeping.

I jump into the Sleep Realm. Well, Dad calls it the Dream Realm, but with the demons also here, I call it the Sleep Realm.

I help some dreams, when I get to a peculiar one.

There's demon energy here. I know that some demons sleep, but they never dream or have nightmares.

It's a nice dream here.

I walk around, observing the scenery. It's like our world, but a beautiful dark twist to it. Everything's in dark shades of red, pink, purple and blue.

Then I see him.

I stay hidden in the foliage, watching him.

The tallest demon prince.

He's in his own world, moving his fingers and making little things with magic.

Suddenly he stops, then sniffs the air a little.

I quickly turn and silently sneak away.

Suddenly I'm tackled, and I hit the ground. I try to get up, when a dagger is held next to my neck.

I feel someone sitting on my back, and my wings hurt a ton.

The demon prince growls "Why were you sent here?! How did you get here?!!"


He sees the sword. "You came here to kill me?!!"

His voice goes shrill, and he moves the dagger closer to my neck.

"N-No! The s-sword is for s-self defense!" I'm struggling to breathe with him sitting on my back.

He notices, and moves a little so I can breathe. I gasp a little, then say "I-I was just going th-through dreams like normal. I-I didn't mean to d-disrupt you."

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