Chapter 7 - Birdy, Breezy, and a surprise

Start from the beginning

Flitter returned the feather light kiss and was pleased. Ray had come so far since the angry outburst the first morning. There was still a great deal of healing needed but he was doing so much better. When he called her lovely she lowered her ears and nuzzled his neck before sighing in contentment, "And you are a lovely man as well." She relaxed against him and they sat there looking out the view window and ignore the looks they seemed to be getting.

Two of the other Liraque aboard the ship were sitting across the room sipping on some shakala which was a mild alcoholic drink. One had to smile at the two before looking at her friend, "I have a feeling we might be losing a Liraque in the not too distant future. They definitely look more than comfortable with each other sitting there."

The other had to smile at the scene as well, "If I wasn't a Liraque I would be seriously jealous. They do look good together don't they? Good for her and I hope the Goddess spreads her blessings on them." Both traded looks again and settled for simply watching them enjoy themselves.

Several of the nearer crew simply couldn't help but let out a slight 'awe' at the interaction. It was obvious the two of them were very in touch with each other. Most of the crew didn't deal with the Liraque a great deal unless they were having problems. Just looking at the two it was obvious the two had a very deep connection and it had been growing since Ray had come aboard.

In one corner of the room a tall muscular Inu was looking at them and almost went over to talk to them. She forced herself not to since they looked very peaceful and she didn't want to disturb them. Dark Song felt so embarrassed wanting some attention from them for such a silly issue. With a sigh she stood up and after checking the time on her implant she started towards engineering.

~~~ Ray shows Birdy his surprise

That evening they were in the dining room nibbling on the food. Tonight, it was finger foods which were understandable. After they had revealed themselves to him he had noticed they had claws at the end of their fingers. They started wide at the base and narrowed down towards the tips and tended to be dark. He had also noticed the skin of their palms and fingers were a bit rougher as well. As they were nibbling Birdy and Breezy came over and plopped down.

Ray shook his head, "Breezy how do you deal with her, all she does is bounce around and or flop on things." He winked at her, "Not to mention trying to take out a pack father..." He was grinning when he said it even though it sounded really odd to him.

Everyone nearby laughed at his comment and they settled down to eating and talking. Birdy was tickled pink since she had gotten a message from home her mother had delivered a little boy. Her entire family was stoked since when it happened they would get a nice bonus at the end of the year. She even had some pictures and of course they ended up with a group of crewmembers surrounding them. Everyone was telling her how cute he was and how lucky her family was.

The Captain came over as well and congratulated Birdy as well, "I think this calls for a celebration for the two of you. You are off duty until tomorrow morning and I am going to send a nice bottle of wine to Ray's room." There was a moment of silence at and then everyone cheered.

Birdy actually quieted down for a moment when the Captain said that. Her ears lowered as well, and she gave Vyra a shy thank you. She really hadn't expected the Captain to show up and most definitely hadn't expected the gift either. Once Vyra had patted her shoulder and left Birdy watched Ray stand up and looked a bit confused.

"Well you heard her there is a bottle of wine arriving in my quarters soon and I'm not going to let it go to waste." He reached over and pulled her out of the chair and into his arms, "I am going to show you the best evening possible my friend. Once I am done with you then I am going to deal with your girlfriend as well and smile as both of you lay there recovering." It got a really good laugh from most of the women nearby.

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