Chapter 1 - we meet again...

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Ever since Brayden left, school became slightly less dreadful. The classes are still boring, but no one towers over me anymore. Brayden's friends don't really do anything anymore - they lost their leader.

I know what he's up to only because everyone keeps talking about the band he's in. They all fangirl and boast that they knew him before he became famous. It's very annoying by the way. Thinking about it, I take back my previous statement about school being less dreadful.

The band, CHI, has been around for about a year or so now. All I know is that they have a lot of fans. My classmates talk about it so much, I know all of the members names - Brayden (of course), Spencer, Zach, Alexander, and Jace.

I'm currently in math, wishing I could be home for the day. I still have another period after this.

The office buzzed into the room and called someone for dismissal.

"Alright, Samantha," I heard my teacher say from the front of the room. Oh, me? There's hope after all.

Wait, one of the last times this happened was when my parents died. Who died?!

Despite my worry, I put my books away and stopped at my locker before going to the office. When I got there, I saw Tulisa. She seemed in a hurry for some reason. She rushed me to the car as soon as she noticed my presence.

She told me that she'd meet me at the agency, which doubles as our home. She had to come all the way to the school to tell the secretary in the office to let me leave just so I could get in my own car.

I parked in front of Tulisa and met her at the door. She told me to change into whatever I wanted. This meant that I had a mission . . . which is why she picked me up early.

I kept my leggings on since it's easy to move around in them. I changed into a fitted t-shirt and combat boots. Then, I put my contacts in and braided my hair. I went downstairs to meet Tulisa in the agency.

"Alright, May. This is an important mission. It may sound simple, but they need someone skilled and experienced. I assume you are aware of the band, CHI?" I nodded my head, allowing her to continue. "Well, they've been getting many threats lately, so they need more protection to keep them safe. You are going to be their new bodyguard. You need to figure out the purpose of these threats, who are sending the threats, and take down whoever's behind this whole operation." She gave me a folder. "This contains basic information about the band. Their manager will be here soon to pick you up. He'll drive you to London, where they're on a holiday for a week."

In short, I'm supposed to protect my least favorite person and his new friends. I hope his bandmates are nicer than him.

"Hang on, not that I'm bothered by it, but what about school? I don't think I can just stop going without anything being said."

"I explained the situation to your principal while I waited for you."

"How exactly did you explain this situation? You can't really say that your adopted daughter is a spy going on tour with the hottest, new boy band," I was curious.

"I just told them that you're moving is all. But, you don't need to worry about it," she's not telling me everything. She left something out, but I'm not pushing it because I know she won't tell me.

"I guess I should pack, so I'm ready to leave with . . ." I didn't even know their manger's name.

"Ryan. Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

I went back upstairs to pack.

Packing isn't fun, but I managed to get it done. I brought my stuff outside, ready to leave with Ryan.

I said bye to Tulisa and got into the car with CHI's manager. I mentally prepared myself for the three hour trip as Ryan pulled out of the driveway.

/ / /

We, eventually, made it to London. The drive wasn't as bad as I anticipated. We talked a lot and jammed out to random songs on the radio.

Ryan is the only one who knows I'm a spy, and I intend on keeping it that way. People aren't supposed to know that about me. All everyone else knows is that a new bodyguard is coming to help protect the boys.

We got to the house, took my baggage out of the boot, and went inside. Oh boy, I guess it's now or never.

The band came down after Ryan yelled to let them know we're here.

Breathe in, breathe out.

There's no reason to be nervous. He can't do anything to you. Even if he did, you can easily take him down.

He was the last of them to come. I could tell it took him a few seconds to process everything before realizing who was standing in front of him.

"Hi! I'm Jace. This is Zach, Alex, Spencer, and Brayden," he introduced the five of them.

"I'm Samantha," I said, avoiding eye contact with Brayden.

"Jace," Ryan spoke up. "Why don't you show Samantha to her room?"

I grabbed my luggage, and he took half of it. I didn't bother complain because I could tell he'd be stubborn about it.

We went up the stairs, and he pointed out my room and everyone else's. The setup from left to right from the steps to the end of the hallway looked like:

Brayden               Me               Jace

Spencer               Alex             Zach

How fun. We put my things down in my new room. Jace left me on my own and went back downstairs.

I moved my luggage out of the way when I heard a soft knock on the door. I turned around and saw Brayden.

"Hey..." he started.


"You look . . . different," he pointed out.

"Yeah, my hair is up, my contacts are in, and I'm not wearing a sweatshirt," I explained.

"And you're not shy."

"Nope, I could be an actress, right?"

"Yeah, I guess." He chuckled lightly.

"Not to change the subject," not that I minded. "But where's the bathroom?"

"Down the stairs, take a u-turn, and it's the first door on you're right." I thanked him. As I passed him, I heard him whisper, "You look good either way."


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