Sherlock Smells Amazing.

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Hi guys :) sorry these first couple chapters are so short! I have a lot of stuff-what am I saying...I have writers block :( anyways...


-Hanna :) xx


"Two bodies. One in the master bedroom upstairs and the other here in the living room. We expect the husband killed his wife and then committed suicide-"

"I'm sorry, I appreciate your input, Anderson, but would you please. Shut. Up."

On our way to get lunch, Lestrade had gotten an urgent call from Anderson about a crime scene. Now, Lestrade, Crina and I were standing over a body in this living room. I had just gotten back from driving Molly back to 221b; Mrs Hudson wanted help with dinner.

"John, what do you think?" Crina asked. Just like old times. I looked over the body as Crina walked around figuring out what she could from the room around the body. The man was about thirty-five and was killed by a stab wound to the chest.

"John?" Crina questioned. I stood from beside the body, looking over toward her. She was standing on the back of the couch on the very corner. She turned around and walked back along the edge of the couch.

"Uh, well. He seems to have died from a stab wound to the chest. It looks like theres something scratched into his skin on his arm. Um, J-S-W-H I think. The blood pooling suggests the body was moved." I continued. I turned back towards Crina, who was facing me, still standing on the back of the couch. She stepped down and walked over to me. She looked at me warily and tilted her head.

"J-S-W-H I wonder what that means." she said, turning and crouching down to look at the man's arm. She stood up suddenly and started toward the door. "Lets go John! We have a dinner to get to!"

* * * * * * * * * *

"So Crina, how long have you been able to...well, do what you do?" asked Mrs. Hudson.

"Ever since a was a kid i guess." I answered. Molly, John, and Mrs. Hudson started talking about something, I don't know what, I got bored. Doot-do-do-deww. Alright, well 221b wasn't what I expected. It had been three months since Sherlock...well...fell, and according to Molly, nothing has changed. It's really dark and solemn in here. I do like the skull though. And the smiley face on the wall. It's quite hilarious that Sherlock shot it. I would to actually. Boredom has mysterious ways. Speaking of. Ah-ah-ah-da-dat-da. Alright thinking, thinking. Oh yeah, J-S-W-H. Hmm. Acronym? jay? No. Jack, Johnson, John! John! S...well J was a na-Sherlock. John, Sherlock, Watson, Holmes. Alright, now why was that on that guys arm? "...CRINA?!"

"Woah! What? What's up??" I was shocked from my thoughts by John yelling my name; jumping in my seat. I stared at him with wide eyes, still slightly shaken by his spontaneous outburst. Mrs. Hudson reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Are you alright hun?" she asked. She rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb, drawing my attention over to her.

"I'm fine Mrs. Hudson. I was just thinking." I said, smiling.

"Went to your mind palace?" asked Molly, slightly laughing to herself.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I replied, smirking at her. She looked over a John and her smile faltered. I glanced at him and saw a saddened look on his face. I immediately felt horrible; bringing up Sherlock was hard for John. Oh and yawn.

"Someone's tired!" exclaimed Mrs. Hudson. She stood up from the table and collected the dishes. Molly offered to help, and John left to the living room. I felt like a lost puppy following John into the living room. He sat at the desk and I curled up on the corner of the couch. I grabbed the pillow out from behind me and held it close to my chest. I watched John type on his laptop from behind the edge of the pillow. Oh, woah. This pillow smells amazing. Kind of dark and musky. Ahh I could seriously sit here and smell this pillow all day. That sounds creepy, but still. Molly walked into the living room and took a double take when she saw me on the couch. I looked back at her wide eyed. She walked over and sat on the chair next to the couch and leaned over toward me. "That's Sherlock's couch." she whispered.

"Oh. Well Sherlock smells amazing. He's not dead by the way."


Hello again!! :D

So yeah. Sorry again for the short chapters...I'm really just getting into the story, and I'm trying out that google drive thingie :) it's really awesome!! Ahhh yeah so I hope you like it so far!!! Please comment opinions and vote and stuff :) thanks!!

Love ya, sugar!!

-Hanna :) xx

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