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Months go by and the treatments seem to be working but its a long process before we are in the clear. I watch as she seems to get weaker and weaker rather then getting stronger. I had to take her to the hospital. She was cooking or doing something in the kitchen and she had fainted. I came home roughly 2:00pm and found her there. I carried her to the car and sped towards the hospital and I have to admit, Im terrified at what the doctor is going to say. Im scared to lose her. I CANT lose her, I WONT! Shes all I have. We get to the hospital and I carried her towards a nurse, fighting back tears and she rushes me to a room and I set her down on the bed. I look up a few minutes later hearing a knock and its her doctor. I tell him what happened the best I can and he orders a x-ray, CT of her head and a bunch of other scans. I hold her hand tightly feeling her squeeze my hand as Im trembling as I sit next to her waiting for the doctors results. Please be ok. Please be ok. I repeat to myself in my head. I kiss her knuckles as the doctor walks in and I can tell by the look on his face that its not good news.

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