Chapter Eighteen - Broom Troubles

Start from the beginning

Remus got on his broom, sitting in what he hoped was the right position. "No," he answered and Silverlocke looked pleased.

Once everyone was ready, Hooch handed out red balls which she called Quaffles, and then blew her whistle for everyone to get in the air. It took a few kicks for Remus to start flying and then as soon as Silverlocke threw the ball he fell off his broom. The Slytherins began laughing hard (and a couple Gryffindors) and Remus got up off the ground, blushing. He tossed the ball to Silverlocke before getting back on his broom.

"I didn't mean to," Silverlocke said anxiously. "I didn't realize you weren't paying attention."

I was paying attention, Remus thought as he got back up to five feet off the ground, the minimum Hooch said was acceptable for this lesson. "S'all r-r-r-right," he managed to say, aware he was being watched almost as much as Potter.

Potter and Inkwood were at the maximum height of fifteen feet and Remus saw why Potter had chosen her: she was a fair flyer. They were expertly throwing the ball back and forth, Potter with a lot more accuracy and ability than Inkwood. Potter kept catching the ball in various ways to show off. One handed, upside down, during a loop-to-loop, earning constant cheers from the audience. Potter grinned, flashing his bright smile at the students on the ground, soaking the attention in.

Remus turned back to Silverlocke who threw the ball carefully. Remus panicked immediately, realizing he needed to let go with both of his hands and wasn't willing to do that, so he tried to catch it one handed and failed utterly. The ball dropped to the ground and some Slytherins laughed again. Silverlocke dove down and picked the ball up off the ground without even getting off his broom.

"It's fine, try again," Silverlocke said encouragingly.

"Mr. Lupin, you need to balance yourself without holding the handle," Hooch said.

Remus gulped heavily and while Silverlocke returned to the air he slowly let go with one hand and then even slower let go with the other. He clenched his legs around the broom and felt dizzy and swaying and then fell off without the ball even being thrown, and everyone laughed at him. He lay on the ground, brilliantly red. Even Pettigrew was able to stay on his broom, albeit with difficulty. Even the huge and gorilla-ish Bulstrode was able to stay balanced.

Hooch came over to make sure Remus didn't have any injuries and then said he and Silverlocke could stay just three feet off the ground.

"What a baby!" Mulciber laughed.

"Hooch, maybe he should ride with someone else," Avery suggested. "Like a child."

Just then a red ball went flying and hit Avery square in the head, knocking him clean off his broom. Everyone's eyes traveled over and saw Potter and Inkwood were now missing a ball, and Inkwood was glowering at her partner.

"POTTER!" Hooch shouted.

"Sorry, it slipped out of my hands," Potter said, an innocent grin. "I guess I'm not as talented as I thought."

"He's better than I thought," Silverlocke said so softly only Remus could hear.

"Is he th--that good?" Remus asked.

Silverlocke shrugged. "Unless it was an accident, yes. To hit a target that size from that distance, and with enough force to knock him off his broom? Potter's good. Very good. Please don't tell him I said that, though, I don't think he needs more of an ego boost..."

Potter was doing barrel spins as the older students cheered and then he looped around and caught the ball Hooch angrily threw back at him. "Won't happen again," he promised.

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