XII. Pleasant or Problematic

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The two managed to leave the bowling alley in once piece - good thing they decided to use public transport so Will didn't have to drive in such a distracted state. The constant giggles and smiles never ceased, neither boys cared about the stares some other passengers shot their way on the subway. Both full of joy, it would've been almost impossible to burst their little bubble.

"You're kinda cute, you know." Will nudged his room-mate with his shoulder as they walked side by side to the apartment complex in the dark.

He was obviously messing with him. It was clear as day that the older of the duo adored George for more aspects he would ever admit. From his smile, through his ginormous icy blue eyes, pink lips, soft hair, adorable anger issues, or fits he so liked to throw every now and again - don't ask why he found that adorable- to his sense of humor.

Will was glad that he didn't have to be sappy and overly sentimental to be able to get his message through. The other boy just understood him more than anyone had ever had.

So back to the pair, George casted a side-glance at the brunette, clammy gravel loud beneath his feet.

He shook his head to respond to Will's antics, the sides of his mouth pulled upwards. "Just kind of?"

Will shrugged to seem nonchalant, he slipped his hand into his just as smoothly. "Maybe."

George's baby blues followed the motion but he didn't pull away - no, he tightened the hold and kept walking with a content hum. For once he managed to stay in the moment throughout the whole night - he didn't have to be miles, more like a room away from reality just to be pleased and happy. Will made him feel things he never thought were possible. It was scary but in a good way. He just hoped it was going to last, with the risk of a priceless friendship on the line and all...

"Yeah, no you're definitely pretty." Will told him as they waited for the lift to come down to their level. "Pretty dyslexic that's for sure."

That cheeky son of a - before George could finish the curse in his mind or reply Will leaned down to kiss his cheek, grin smug as he led him into the elevator.

The smaller of the two flashed him a dirty look, he didn't need words to express his thoughts about this sort of behaviour.

"You are breathtaking. Breathtakingly stupid." George shot back, tone just as playful and proud of himself.

Will only shook his head, letting themselves in, the flat looked exactly how they left it. Lived in and full of memories. Pleasant or problematic - it was all there.

"Oh yeah?" He dropped the keys into the bowl they belonged in, door locked behind them as they lumped down onto the sofa.

"One hundred percent." George nodded, ready to cuddle up to Will's side.

However, the Geordie had a different idea in mind. With a forty-five degree turn, he launched himself at the dirty blonde, ticking his sides. His fingers worked quick, laughs bubbled out from George's throat, whines and words of protest repeatedly left the youngers mouth.

"No, Will. No, no, st-stooop!" Laughs turned into wheezes George's lungs started to ache as he squirmed, kicked and flailed his limbs all over the place to get Will off of him.

Will didn't budge, though he kept moving, the younger lad trapped between his knees now as his fingertips traced his ribs, neck and other sensitive zones of George's body.

"I hate you - I - I could mur-murder you- ouch!" Blue eyes watered from laughter, hands still fighting something he wasn't going to be able to defeat.

The brunette didn't listen to him but he made sure not to harm George in any way in the process, grin so wide, the muscles around his mouth hurt.

"Shut up you love me." He murmured, then repeated the statement a little louder since it got muffled the first time.

"Yeah I do." George heard his own voice float in the air without permission, he clamped his mouth shut as soon as he did so, chest moving up and down at fast speed.

In the heat of the moment he didn't have control over his words, they slipped out so easily, way more fluently than they ever did whenever he imagined saying them to his room-mate.

Let it be on one of their movie nights, after their umpteenth date, or sometime when they sat outside the balcony watching the lights and the life of the metropolitan city beneath them. In his mind, the moment was always perfect, he found the right words to say, the best moves to make. However, this was reality and he'd shot his shot.

Will's movements ceased, his palms against George's finally settled as the latter himself gave up the battle, fingers threaded together above a mop of dirty blonde.

This is not how George planned telling him. Not yet, not about four days into their relationship or whatever they had going on. Not on accident.

The longer the silence stretched out the more anxious he got. Why wasn't Will saying anything? Did he even hear him? Why did he look so troubled and since when could he hide his feelings so god damned well? He was like an open book 24/7 and reading him was like child's play for George, so why couldn't he do that right now when it mattered the most?

"I- I didn't mean it like-" George had no time to save himself because Will purely didn't let him.

"Please be honest with me. Did you mean it?" Voice soft but alarmed the Geordie boy stared into the younger's soul.

George swallowed hard. His brain wasn't able to come up with any pros and cons to help him out as he laid beneath the boy he loved so deeply.

There was no going back now. Will wasn't that dumb not to see right through a lie he could've easily fabricated then and there.

"Yes. Yes, I did." His admission came out just above a whisper, tone dripping in the fear of heartbreak.

Will blinked at him, once, twice, three times, mulling over what he'd just heard. So George loved him. It was clear that he loved him too. He'd loved him as a friend since day one but - but was he in love with him?

George slightly shifted beneath him, his eyes fixated somewhere on the ceiling, thick lashes quick with movement. His lips in a thin line, Will felt his heart shatter when he noticed how lost his friend looked.

That's when he realized he never wanted to see that expression on George's face ever again. He wanted to protect him and be there for him at all costs, no matter what life may had in line to throw their way.

Green irises disappeared behind closed eyelids, Will dipped down oh so slowly and brushed their lips together, painting his next words onto George's lips.

"I love you too." Will stated, lips dry, fingers numb.

George made the mistake of meeting his eyes, he could've cried from the sight above him. With every fiber of his body, he knew that Will was sincere.

He meant it. He truly did.

"No scratch that I'm in love with you." The confession was sweet and direct, the brunette found no place for hesitation.

They'd been waiting for far too long.

George just about melted underneath his touch when he kissed him again, and again and again until they were both breathless, clothes scattered on Will's bedroom floor.

Rainy days, powercuts, incontrovertible denial, disclaimed jealousy, and pointless quarrels forgotten and burried deep with fluid movements, sounds of pleasure and fondness masked every bad decision either of them ever made. Words of affection and care painted - rather burned- into one another's skin.

Together at last.

Word count: 1331

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