Chapter 1 - Ray's in medical

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The doctor tilted her head to the side as she contemplated the question, "I do have a few ideas, but I will need to talk to the Chief Engineer. I will see about dealing with her this afternoon if possible." She had a feeling it was related to the medications hiding the cause of his problems.

"Keep me updated on his status but just send messages to me. No need to call unless there is a problem. As far as talking to the Chief Engineer once you are done I will have her send a report to me. I want one from you as well." They talked briefly for a few more moments before the Captain disconnected the call.

After a good stretch the doctor stood up and walked out of her office, "I am going to my stateroom to shower and get something to eat. Keep me updated please and as long as he is stable I will be back in about two hours." The HUD would let her know if something happened, but she preferred a hands on approach to medicine.

Both of her techs had stripped their gowns off and were in their medical uniforms which were a light red. The only difference with the doctor's uniform was the gold on her sleeves and bracelets, "Yes Ma'am and see you later." One said.

~~~ Spike goes to her quarters

She walked into her quarters and was met by her Liraque, "Good morning Ma'am and were you able to save the young man?" Aqua had been notified of the emergency since she was the doctors Liraque. She moved over to the doctor and helped her remove her doctor's coat and hung it up, "Shall I get you something to drink and eat Ma'am?" She already knew the answer, but it was part of their routine.

The Doctor's Liraque knew everything the doctor dealt with on a daily basis. It allowed her to best serve her needs without anything being mentioned. It also allowed the doctor to concentrate on her work and not worry about the day to day details such as cleaning, laundry, and similar things. Cleaning was mostly a moot point aboard ship since they used the skin suits. On their world they used robes and she'd take care of them for Spike.

"Please and I am going to take a quick shower since I sweated a fair amount this morning." She walked into her bedroom and then to the bathroom. After withdrawing her uniform, she stepped into the shower and smiled as the water flowed over her body. She wouldn't be in there long, but it was enough time for her Liraque to get food for the two of them.

While her Liraqua was showering she set the table and started a fresh pot of the doctor's favorite tea. After a check to ensure everything was perfect she walked into the bathroom just as her mistress stepped out of the shower, "This evening I will give you a good massage before you go to bed." She wrapped a toweling robe around the doctor and ran a quick brush through her hair, "The table is ready."

"Thank you and I really don't know what I would do without you." She leaned forward and gave her a light kiss and hug, "The day you picked me is a day I will never forget." When her Liraque returned the hug and kiss the doctor had to smile in satisfaction and relax. She was so helpful and unobtrusive. The Doctor couldn't even think of the number of times she had turned to ask her to do something and it had already been done. It was one reason she made a point of paying a great deal of attention to her.

She wrinkled her nose at her, "Not nearly as well as you do with me." The doctor was one of the best mistresses she had ever worked for. If she had her say she would never leave her service and it was saying something. Most Liraque moved from mistress to mistress for years before they settled down. It was simply who and what they were.

The doctor laughed at her comment and lightly stroked her assistant's cheek before linking arms and leading her out to the living area, "Now the food smells good and you are simply too good for me." She settled down at the table and while she ate she reviewed the notes from when Ray had been brought in. It was an interesting case and she was going to have to find out why they hadn't picked up the heart problem.

Dog Got Your Tongue - Folician Chronicles 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant