Part 3: Todoroki's Realisation

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Author's Note: BEWARE! Excessive swearing in this chapter, because Bakugo.

{Midoriya's POV}
As Todoroki left the room accompanied by Kaachan and Kirishima, I felt tears start to spill out of the corners of my eyes, and slide down my freckled cheeks. I need Uraraka-chan. She will know what to do. I walked over to Uraraka-chan. She took one look at my face and knew that it had gone badly.

"Oh, Deku-kun!" She pulled me down onto the sofa and wrapped her arms around my chest. Tsu-chan also looked concerned. "Let's go to my dorm, and we can talk about what happened, does that sound good Deku-kun?", Uraraka said softly. I nodded, choking back another wave of tears.

She led Tsu-chan, Jiro, Momo and I up into her dorm room. (Author's note: Jiro and Momo aren't together yet.) Mina saw us, and followed, concerned. We all sat down, Tsu-chan, Uraraka-chan and I on Uraraka-chan's bed, and Momo, Jiro and Mina on the floor.

"So, Midoriya-kun, why don't you tell us how it went? Ribbit." Tsu-chan said. I took a deep breath. I started the story of how he was late, up to how he said he didn't reciprocate my feelings. I told them every single detail, and towards the end, my story was more tears than words. They all looked upset, and Mina looked plain furious.

"That Todoroki!" she exclaimed. "He's a pretty boy, but he's completely oblivious. Oh, Deku... I would gladly storm into his dorm right now and give him a piece of my mind! Deku, I don't think he actually KNEW what a crush is. Oh, our poor cinnamon roll..." Mina trailed off.

Momo nodded. "Todoroki is not well versed when it comes to love and such things. I am sorry for this, Midoriya-kun. I think we all know why though..." She paused. There was no need to even say it. Endeavour was his father. That hero was strong, but not known for kindness or showing love to his wife or children.

Jiro sighed. "I saw him go off with Kirishima and Bakugo, considering they are dating he probably decided to consult them. Or, he really just isn't interested in you. Sorry dude." Mina elbowed her. Hard. But I could see it in all the girl's eyes. None of them believed Mina or Momo, including themselves. "I'm just saying, it could be the truth. You do have to acknowledge it Midoriya." Jiro gave Mina a look.

I sighed. I knew they were right. He either didn't know how to respond, or he was only a friend. But knowing Todoroki-kun... I am probably just a friend to him. I smiled. At least the girls were being nice about it.

{Todoroki's POV}
Bakugo and Kirishima followed me into my dorm room.

"So, icy hot, what was it you were trying to steal my boyfriend for? Better be interesting, or we are leaving." Bakugo looked unimpressed. Kirishima slapped his arm.

"BAKUBABE! We aren't gonna leave dude, don't worry. I'll keep this angry pomeranian here as long as you need us." Kirishima smiled encouragingly.

"ANGRY POMERANIAN?!" Bakugo yelled. "You fucking dick, I am not a fucking dog bitch. End of argument."

Kirishima looked like a mother who had had enough of her child. "Babe... YOU started the argument..." Before Bakugo could reply, Kirishima rolled his eyes and said, "Sooo, Todoroki. What did you call us here for? It wasn't for someone to start yelling, that's for sure." Bakugo settled for flipping Kirishima off, and turned to look at me. So I began to tell them about my "date" with Midoriya. About how much I enjoyed it. And, of course, about Midoriya's "crush" on me. When I had finished, Bakugo grumbled, "About time. That nerd sure took ages to finally confess. It's been driving me crazy, that fuckin-" Kirishima glared at Bakugo. "FREAKING Deku."

Confess...? I don't understand. "But what is a crush...?" I asked. Bakugo started to laugh.

"Oh my fucking god icy hot. You telling me you DON'T know what a fucking crush is? Man, you're fucking stupid!"

"BABE! Stop." Kirishima put his arms around Bakugo's waist and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry about it Todoroki. A crush is when someone is attracted to you. You know, like loves you."

Love? He... Loves me....? I felt heat flush into my cheeks and spread throughout my entire body. Oh man. And I said I didn't have a crush on him. Oh no... That was why he was so upset. I buried my face in my hands. Kirishima looked sympathetic.

"I'm guessing now that you know what a crush is, you know you do have a crush on Midoriya, right?" He asked. I nodded. Bakugo snorted.

"You like that shitty Deku? Well, whatever suits you icy hot. But Deku is nowhere near my type. Hey, that means you're gay! That makes the three of us." He smiled. Bakugo? Smiling? What has Kirishima done to him to make his temper more manageable...

Anyway, I need to tell Midoriya. To tell him I reciprocate his feelings. I pull out my phone.

{Text Messages}
Saturday; 11:24pm
T: Meet me in Miku's Coffee tomorrow at 11:30. Tell me if you can make it.
M: I can make it... But why?
T: Just meet me. You'll see why later.

I put my phone away. Bakugo smirked. "Gonna tell him? Good, we've all known for ages but Deku wouldn't let us tell you, that piece of shit. Anyway, I'm going to bed. See you later, lover boy." Bakugo got up and left, closely followed by Kirishima, who wished me a good night and closed the door.

Author again: Are you enjoying this story? I wanna know ; ; Do you have any requests for me, like any scenarios you guys want bc I want ideas tbh

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