Part 2: Just Us Two

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{Midoriya's POV}
Help me. I was sitting at the table, my phone in my hand. Todoroki-kun said he might be late, but he's taking a long time. What if he doesn't come...?

{Text messages}
Friday, 5:48
M: About meeting at the cafe, are you still up for it?
T: Yes, how does 11 am sound?
M: Sounds great, see you tomorrow!

Saturday, 10:57
M: I'm there Todoroki-kun!
T: Great. May be late, though, sorry about that.
M: Ok! It's fine, see you there :)
T: Thanks Midoriya.

{Back to Midoriya at the table}

It's now 11:15, and there's no sight of him. Maybe he really isn't coming. I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and will them to stop.

"Hello, Midoriya." Todoroki-kun sat down opposite me. He's wearing a pair of brown jeans and a light blue jumper that really suits him. His cheeks are tinged pink, as if he's embarrassed. "I'm really sorry for being late, I got held up. Bakugo decided that I wasn't going to leave until I told him where I was going in such a rush. It took me a while to get past him." He smiled a little, and I smiled back.

"No, it's ok, I know what Kaachan is like. At least you came, I was getting worried that you weren't going to come!" I said. He laughed.

"We all know what Bakugo is like. At least he's getting better now he's dating Kirishima. I think Kirishima's sweetness is rubbing off on him."

{Todoroki's POV}
I saw the tears in the corners of his eyes, but I decided not to mention it. I had no idea how much this meant to him. I resolved to yell at Bakugo for making me late. Midoriya is too pure to be upset.

"I, I have something to tell you, T-Todoroki-kun..." he stammered. He looked uncomfortable, and was slowly getting redder.

"What is it, Midoriya?" I asked.

{Midoriya's POV}
"I-I-I like you!" I blurted. "I've had a crush on you for ages, and I couldn't not tell you anymore..." I trailed off. I looked at Todoroki-kun. He looked confused.

"Sorry, Midoriya." My heart sunk. "I don't have a 'crush' on you."

I smiled weakly. Of course. "Oh..."

{Todoroki's POV}
He looked so disappointed. I didn't know what he meant by a crush. I mean I like him too. I like all my friends. I felt awkward. I quickly changed the subject.

{TIME SWITCH: 1h 30m later}

"Well Midoriya, it's best I get back to my dorm. Thank you for this, would you like to do it again?"

He smiled weakly and nodded. It was clear my answer had upset him. I made another resolve: to ask Kirishima what a crush is.

"Let's walk back to the dorms then, Todoroki-kun." Midoriya said. The last traces of disappointment had gone, and he was almost back to his cute cheery self. We walked back to the dorms, chatting the whole way about heroes. Midoriya continued to ramble on about All Might, and I let him. He's at his cutest as a fanboy.

He stopped in the common room, and said: "I'm going to stay up later. Go up to your dorm, Todoroki-kun!" I smiled. I went over to Kirishima and whispered in his ear. "Can we talk? I have some questions for you."

"OI! Icy hot, you better not be stealing my boyfriend." I looked up to see Bakugo glaring at me. Kirishima laughed.

"He isn't, I promise Bakubabe. Plus don't I only love you?" He kissed Bakugo on the cheek, which seemed to convince him.

"Well then. Why are you whispering in my boyfriend's ear?" His eyes narrowed. Oh. Still not convinced.

Kirishima rolled his eyes. "Babe, I'm allowed to TALK to people who aren't you, ok? He wanted to ask me a question. Hey, Todoroki, do you mind I Bakugo comes too? To make sure someone," He poked Bakugo's cheek, "doesn't get mad and blow something up!" He gave Bakugo a meaningful glance.

"Sure, actually, I think Bakugo may be able to answer my questions as well." Seeing he's Midoriya's childhood friend, hopefully he knows if he could be interested in me.

I lead both of them back to my dorm room.

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