Chapter 22 Finding Answers

Start from the beginning

I sighed before heading upstairs and getting my saddle bag from under my bed. I am determined to find out what the girls are hiding from me, even if it kills me.

I packed all the necessary survival equipment for the trip and decided to wait from night so no one would see me go.


Just after dark...

Everyone had pack up and gone home for the night so this was the perfect opportunity for me to get off Sunlake hidden by the dark.

I grabbed my saddle bag and rushed downstairs, placing it on the table I ran out my house and quietly called lightning-shift over.

Within a few seconds she was in front of me and ready to go, she knew what was going on since she knew me so well.

I smiled at her before rushing back inside and grabbing my saddlebag and strapping it to her saddle.

"Come on girl, we've got a long night ahead of us" I said before she took off and soared quickly off Sunlake island and into the night sky.


We landed on rockwave island at the cave we slept in while we were looking for Jade. I knew this would be the perfect place to set up camp since a fireplace had already been created and I knew how to get to the place we found Jade at from here.

I dismounted off Lightning-shift and led her into the cave where sure enough the last fireplace we made was still there.

Lightning-shift sat down in the corner and curled up and fell asleep. I got the fire started and made sure it would run through the night before walking over to Lightning-shift and laying down next to her, falling asleep quickly.


The next morning...


I woke up and carefully rolled out of bed since my leg was still repairing itself so I still had to take it easy and no dragon riding.

I put my armor on before heading downstairs, out the house and towards the hall again for breakfast with the girls.

I noticed that Katelyn was very distant yesterday after Shannon lied to her yesterday, we didn't want to but we agreed it was for the best until we were ready to tell her what was going on.

I pushed the massive doors of the hall open and walked in and over to our usual table we sat at where I saw Lisa writing something down on a piece of paper.

I sat down but she kept her head down as if she didn't hear me.

"Morning Lis" I sigh before turning my head slightly to get a look at what she was doing.

"Hey, I didn't see you come in sorry" She said looking up at me smiling.

"What are you doing there?" I asked referring to the paper.

"Writing to my cousin on another island" She said before continuing to write the letter.

I mouthed 'oh' before suddenly jumping from a sudden pain in my leg.

"You ok?" Lisa asked after seeing me jump.

"Yeah another strike of pain, they freaking hurt" I said nodding.

She nodded before rolling up the paper and calling over a terrible terror to deliver the message.

I then turned to see Shannon walking in.

"Hey girls" she greeted before sitting down next to Lisa.

We both nodded before a sudden thought came into my head.

"Where's Katie?" I asked and both the girls shook their heads and shrugged frowning.

"I haven't seen her this morning, have you?" Lisa asked turning to Shannon who shook her head.

"She's probably still asleep I'll go get her" I said smirking and leaving the table.

I walked to Katelyn's house and knocked on the door, no answer. I walked in thinking she was still asleep but when I walked in her house gave my a really bad feeling, as if something wasn't right.

I walked upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door but once again no answer.

I pushed the door open and saw an empty room.

"Katie?!" I yelled through the house but all that responded was my own echo.

"Katelyn if this is some kind of prank I don't find any humor in it!" I yelled but still no responds.

I rushed out her house and rushed but to the hall where the girls were waiting for me to come back with her.

"She's not am home and something's not right" I said trying to catch my breath.

"We need to find her" Shannon said standing up.

"Jade you can't walk much so stay on Sunlux's back and search from the sky while we search from the ground" Lisa said and I nodded before we all rushed out the hall.



I dismounted off Lighning-shift and looked at the spot where we found Jade last time we were here.

I saw a path of blood leading up the mountain above where she said she fell from. I don't remember that being there when we found her. Mind you a lot was going through my mind that day so I'm not surprised I missed that.

I instructed Lightning-shift to say there just in case something tried to follow me. I started walking up the mountain but stoped when I suddenly saw the trail of blood stop at a set of woods.

Something's off why would the blood just stop here and no battle mak be where they battled.

Before I could figure out what to do next everything went black.



We had been searching for Katelyn all day on Sunlake and we still hadn't seen her, we were all starting to panic now since it was unlike Katelyn to just disappear like this.

"Anything?" Cobi asked as we dismounted from our dragons, I got help from Cam since I couldn't do it on my own.

"No, nothing" Lisa said walking over to the group.

"We need to find her I think we should start searching other islands" Cobi said mounting his dragon

"No we'll go you stay here incase she comes back" I said but he shook his head.

"No she's my girlfriend I need to help find her" he said but thankfully cam stopped him.

"Cobi they're right stay here and wait for her, let the girls go"

He finally gave in and we mounted our dragons and headed for the nice outing island of ours.


Oh dear everything's going wrong what do you think is going to happen next?

Thanks for reading

Luv ya dragon riders

Tia 💕💕💕

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