Chapter 10 - Anything for You

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"Beck!", Y/n shouted as she entered the area in front of Peter.

She had entered through the window, water falling in with her as it left puddles on the floor. It was perfect for her, that way she could bend the water into a weapon, but not right now.

"Oh, Y/n. It's nice to see you again.", He grinned from the other side.

She felt Peter's hand quickly grasp her shoulder, gently pulling her behind him, "Beck, this has to stop!"

"It will.", He nodded, "Once I kill the both of you that is."

"Not today!", Y/n shouted after she walked beside Peter.

Peter glanced at her, noticing how fierce she looked. He was proud of her, really proud. After all, she has come a long way since the first time they met.

"Just give me the glasses.", Peter spoke up, causing Y/n to glance at him. He sounded hurt, even his suit looked messed up. She didn't notice this until now, but it's obvious that she was in the ocean far too long.

"You want these?", Beck asked as he pulled the glasses out of his suit, quickly looking dead at Peter, "Come and get them!"

More drones filled the hallway, causing Y/n to step closer to Peter. After all, she wasn't good with these drones. She didn't have spider sense, or what May called it, Peter Tingle.

The drones changed the scenery of the hallway, causing Y/n to reach for Peter's hand. He quickly took her hand into his own, breathing in deeply as he closed his eyes and whispered, "Come on Peter Tingle."

He let go of her hand, running down the hallway as he jumped towards the drones and took them out one by one. Y/n on the other hand, felt the water near her, bending it into a shield as she held it in front of her and inched closer down the hall. Using her other hand to bend the water into a spear, holding it in her hand as well as the shield.

"No, fire all the drones now!", They heard Beck scream.

Y/n ran down the hall, holding her shield of water in front of her as the drones kept firing at them. Peter used one of the broken drones as a shield, quickly glancing at Y/n who passed him.

"Y/n!", He shouted at her, but she gave him no mind. She looked out of the window, down at the water as she summoned the water to rise. Once it did, she made it flow through the window, knocking over Beck. But, one of the drones that Peter broke shot towards both Beck and Y/n. It grazed Y/n's leg, and went through Beck's side.

Beck was now sitting on the ground, against the wall as Y/n dropped the water and rushed over to him, but kept her distance once she approached him.

"Beck!", Peter shouted as he limped towards him, pulling Y/n aside and keeping his hand on her shoulder, "You lied to me. I trusted you."

"I know.", Beck replied quickly, looking up at the both of them, "That's the most disappointing part. You're a good person Peter. Stark was right, you do deserve that."

Beck held the glasses out towards him, causing Y/n to furrow her eyebrows. Quickly, Peter pushed her in front of him, grabbing something from beside him.

Y/n turned to see Beck holding a gun, causing her eyes to widen. Beck dropped the gun, causing Peter to speak up, "You can't trick me anymore."

Peter snatched the glasses off of Beck's face. Y/n rushed over to Peter, holding her leg as she felt pain throughout it.

"Peter!", She shouted as he walked over to the window. She looked at Beck who fell, seeing how weak he was, she took it as an opportunity.

She used her ability, bending the water into the shape of a dagger. She hovered over him, tearing up as she thought of her lost ones, "It's men like you that don't understand what you do to people like us. You all live by your own rules."

"Edith turn off the drones! Just.. do it! Execute them all!", Peter shouted.

Y/n squatted down in front of Beck, showing no emotion as she sent the dagger through his chest, causing him to let out a scream.

Peter turned to see Y/n in front of Beck, quickly rushing over to her and pulling her away from him. She let out a small sob as she looked back at Beck, thinking of what she did. She was never the violent type, but everything she's been through lately made her that way.

"How could you do all this?", Peter asked Beck as he held Y/n close to his chest.

"You'll see Peter.", Beck replied, "People tend to believe. And nowadays, they'll believe anything."

Beck stopped talking, letting out a deep breath. He didn't move anymore, nor did he even breathe.

Peter held onto Y/n tightly while he placed the glasses back on, "Is he– Is this real?"

All Illusions are down....


"Come on.", Peter rushed Y/n down the bridge, but was confused once she stopped. He turned to look at her with his eyebrows furrowed, "Y/n? What's wrong?"

"I have been away from you this whole school trip.", She sighed softly, looking down at the ground as she stood still in the same spot.


"Peter, I could've lost you today."

"But you didn't."

"But I could have."

"Y/n, there's a lot of things that could happen, so I wouldn't dwell on it. Everything happens for a reason."

She gave him a warm smile, but stayed in the same spot.

"Oh, I got you something!", He took something from around his neck that was under his suit, showing her a necklace, "It's uh, Loki's runes carved onto this object that's supposed to symbolize the Fenrir wolf tooth, which so happens to be one of Loki's sons in Norse Mythology. Funny thing about it is that one of your actual sons is actually the Fenrir wolf."

"How is that funny?", She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I mean. It's not funny, but I just–", He was cut off by her crashing her lips against his. He was taken aback by this, but closed his eyes as he kissed back passionately.

She pulled away, looking him into the eyes with the biggest smile, "Thank you, Peter."

"Anything for you."

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