Chapter 9 - Drop in the Ocean

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"Alright, Peter", Y/n spoke through her earpiece, watching him closely as he flew down towards the illusion after jumping off the jet, "You've got one shot at this. Don't screw it up"

"Got it", He replied.

Y/n turned towards the cockpit on the jet, walking into it and sitting beside Happy. He looked over at her, noticing her clenching her jaw and shutting her eyes harshly.

"Y/n?", Happy spoke up, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Shit", She opened her eyes quickly, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, "Happy, open the jet"

"What?", He asked confusedly, eyeing her down quickly as she kept talking.

"You need to open the jet, please", She gave him a needing look. When he didn't do as she asked, she sighed as her eyes watered, "Happy, I need you to fly above the water. I have to go in, it's the only way"

"No, god– what did we just discuss?", He asked her, causing her voice to crack.

"Happy, I know. Look, trust me on this, please. I have to do this, Happy", She stared at him closely, "Please"

He shook his head in disapproval, but obliged to what she asked him to do. He flew the jet down near the water, opening the back for her to jump out. She stood up from the seat in the cockpit, looking down at him.

"You don't have to do this, Y/n", He looked up at her with a frown, shaking his head once she gave him a half smile.

"If I don't, then what kind of hero would I be?", She gave him a warm smile before heading towards the back of the plane.

Y/n turned her back towards the open part of the jet, facing Happy in the cockpit. She let out a deep sigh before speaking up once more, "If this doesn't work, then tell Peter that I love him"

Happy simply nodded, causing her to close her eyes. She smiled in contentment, thinking of Peter as she began to step backwards. She threw her arms up to her sides, stepping backwards as she felt the gush of wind flow through her hair. Then, she jumped off, falling down fast towards the ocean. Dropped in the ocean.


What are you doing back?

What have we told you child? You are a disgrace, you have made us look bad.

"Mother. Father", Y/n's fluent Asgardian accent travelled through the waves of the ocean.

She was a personification of a wave, as were her sisters. She heard bickering from her sisters, but she didn't mind. All she wanted to do was be able to go back, be able to have the ability to use her abilities with the ocean instead of just puddles of water. She wanted to be more powerful to defeat Beck before he hurt Peter.

You have upset me young one. As your father, I am disappointed in your affairs. You were raised better.

"I was raised as a wave, to not ever have the ability to take appearance as a being. You brought this upon yourself the second you sent me to Asgard!"


"Mother please. I have changed. I am in love with a mortal who is the most kindest soul I have ever met"

And now it is a mortal!?

Let her speak.

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