Opinion on wierd thing about brawlers

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Ok I think you guys are tired of this. If you are, tell me in the comments and I'll stop. But heres another one. (I done one on brawlers, modes and unlimited supers.) This one is the weird thing about the brawlers. I WONT be talking about reloading, cuz everyone knows most people dont have reload animations.


Shelly: her sheer power is amazing...
Nita: ive heard of keeping a rabbit under a hat, but NoT a BaEr UndEr A hAt
Colt: he can land all his shots but it doesnt work with supers. He never lands any shots with his super
Bull: head>bricks
Jessie: she can literally build anything she wants, but she just builds a pathetic dog turret. FOR FUCKS SAKE BUILD A MACHINE GUN.
Dynamike: he has a bird under his helmet. Wont it suffocate?
Brock: using another rocket is literally his star power
Bo: remodel took away his personality. I want his eagle hat back. Not this pathetic baseball hat (winning animation swag tho, cant lie)
Tick: how does he survive with his detached head, and hot does it grow back...?
8bit: can you play pac man on him?
Emz: is her hairspray that bad?

El primo: hes on fire. HOW IS HE NOT DEAD
Rosa: the mario flower chomps on her head, producing a shield. HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE
Poco:extreme singing, some good some bad.
Barley: he can make more cash selling that infinite source of wine than killing baers.

Darryl: im pretty sure metal sinks in water, but HAVE YOU SEEN HIM ROLL ON WATER (in case you didnt know, there was a map called island invasion where darryl could roll out of the map)
Rico: his ammunition is inside his body.
Carl: apperently heads can break walls but a metal pickaxe swinging at a wall with plenty momentum at full force cant. Supercell, wtf

Frank: doing a pirrouette lets you stun people
Piper: she can jump into the air with just legs (primo is a macho man wrestler, crow is half bird). She hasnt skipped leg day, has she.
Bibi: the sheer size and power of that bubblegum...
Pam: surely you can make a more useful turret. It keeps dying.
Bea: she is rosas assistant. She is rarer

Tara: wtf u saying
Gene: you look like a 3 year old, except for that goatee
Max: how is she not dead from like 2000 bottles of energy drink
Mr P: is he a penguin? Is he gene? Is he a penguin gene? Nobody knows

Crow: you are toxic assasin, toxic harm you. What the fuck
Spike: ur spikes slow people down. They are not magical spikes.
Leon: Y is ur attack fidget spinners
Sandy: sand literally does as much damage as a shovel. Made out of steel. Welded by an immortal vampire who has thousands of years of fighting experience

Guys, if u want me to tone down the language ( i swear a lot) tell me

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