Chapter 50 ༈ West Side

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Heads up: Peter and Pietro after being dropped off are joined with Loki as they all fight their way through. They're the second team to enter the facility.

A/n: I just wanted to announce that the next 1 upcoming chapters, will show what each group does and goes through once they land. I also wanted to announce that these last 11 chapters will in fact be the last of the book.

Song Suggestion: Faded by Alan Walker (Osias Trap Remix)

A/n: Plus that Song Suggestion is only there if you want to hear it. Otherwise there's really no need for the suggestions in the following chapters :)


(Y/n) - Your Name
(Y/n/n) - Your Nickname
(F/c) - Favorite Color
(H/c) - Hair color
(H/l) - Hair Length
(F/f) - Favorite Food
(F/s) - Favorite Snack
(E/c) - Eye Color

As Peter landed swiftly along with Pietro after their quick drop off from the jet, they were standing there waiting to see if anything would happen. Turns out not a second later, agents started to pool out. "Looks like a conga line."

Peter spoke out as he noticed how they were pouring out in almost a single file line then spreading out once they they got outside. "Is there going to be music involved?" He questioned and Pietro just smiled slightly as he shook his head no. "Stick to the situation Spider." He replied.

"Alright. I go left and you g-" the kid didn't get to finish seeing how as soon as he went to go look over at the speedster, he was already attacking. "Right. Okay got it."

Was all Peter said as he started to web the incoming agents running his way. He then webbed a few more and strung them up a nearby tree. That's when he heard a beeping noise and looked behind him to see an agent throwing a grenade at him. "Woah!" Parker said.

He then jumped up and spun side ways as the bomb flew right by him along with another that had happened to be thrown at him once he was in the air. "Dude!" He yelled at the agent but that's when he saw the guys about to shoot them webbed him to the other tree. "Sorry pal."

Pietro on the other hand was knocking agents down with a breeze till one hit him on the back with their gun. "Ow..." he muttered as he quickly turned around, grabbed the man then threw him to the wall. "Bye." He told the man as they slid down unconscious.

He was breathing a little heavy due to all of the running but it didn't wore him off so fast. He did much more before and he glanced over to see Peter taking down some agents. Pietro noticed another agent about to jump Parker and started to run towards him but stopped mid way once he felt a bullet graze his left arm. "Really?"

Was what he muttered as he looked at the agent who fired then sped towards him instead. "I heard this before." Pietro started to tell the agent as he grabbed him by the collar. "GET REKT!" And as he said it, he threw him.

More agents started to pour out of the building and as it happened, the older Maximoff ran to dealt with them. Peter on the other hand was starting to get surrounded and an agent jumped on him.

As he was starting to bend down from the weight of trying to throw them off, that's when the one of the agents on top of him rolled off. He glanced over at the man to see a dagger sticking out of his back. "What?.."

More and more started to fall off of the kid and once he turned to see or to get a better picture of who had helped him, he spotted the god of Mischief. Also known as Loki.

"What are you-.. how did..." Peter started to say as Loki interrupted. "I'm just helping. Now let's go." He replied as he started to fight alongside the spider. They ended up finishing every one off that was left over.

"Into the creepy Hydra facility we go." Peter mentioned as he swung over at the entrance then walked in with both Pietro and Loki following along. "It seems to be rather quiet in these halls." Loki had pointed out.

They all nodded their heads until Mj started to speak up. "Alright. You're the second team to enter the base. I don't see any upcoming agents heading your way at the moment but (y/n)'s room is nearby. Just down the hallway, then you'll have to turn left down another hallway before reaching her room which is at the end."

"Got it." The three of them said in sync as they continued to walk down the semi lit hallway. The only noises that were able to be heard were the ones from outside. The noises from the other Avengers fighting agents still.

As they got down the first hall, that's when the agents started to pour in. "I got them." Pietro quickly stayed as he started to fight. "Let's go quick." Loki mentioned as he turned down the other hall way with the kid.

More agents started to run towards them as Loki lightly shoved Peter out of the way so he can deal with them. "Get to (y/n). I got them." He stated as he drew his daggers. Peter listened and dodged an agent as he ran down the hallway. "Where are you?" He muttered as he searched and scanned over each cell.

Wasn't long till a soft groan was heard from a cell two doors down from his current location. "(Y/n)?" He said softly before he walked over to the cell. That's when he spotted you lying on the ground. "(Y/n)!" He yelled as he started to open it up. Took a while but he managed.

Once he opened it and pushed through, he ran over to where you were. Quickly placing your head on his lap, he noticed the small bruises you had on your face. One on your jaw, another on your left temple of your head. There was a bit of blood from your nose and a little on the side of your mouth, as he glanced down at your arms to see cuts they had inflicted upon you.

Noticing the cuffs you had on, he managed to break them off then help you up on your feet. "I can't tell you how happy I am to you see you Peter." You told him a bit quiet as he placed your arm around his shoulders. "Same for you." He replied with a soft smile underneath his mask.

Once the two of you started to walk a couple of steps forward, Peter could tell you were having a bit of trouble. So without asking, he lifted you up bridal style. "I got you." Was all he stated as he made out of the cell with you in his arms. "I got her guys." He mentioned into the earpiece. "Pietro and Loki, make sure they get out." Steve replied through his piece. "On it." They mentioned.

𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨 || Peter ParkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz