Chapter 28: A New Beginning

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Disclaimer: Coco belongs to Disney/Pixar, This story plot and the other characters belong to me!



One Year Later

On Día De Los Muertos:

Miguel's POV:

It was a nice day, and it was another year of Día De Muertos. A brand new year of what happened last year. A lot has happened during the past year, a lot of risas, muchas lagrimas, but mostly, there has been a lot of music! Ever since Camila and I sang "Remember Me" to Mamá Coco, Abuelita had lifted the ban of Music! Since then: Camila, my primos and I have been playing instruments together, playing music not just for Mamá Coco, but to others in the family as well when they had to give up music to be in our family.

Along with that, Camila and myself had finally expuso la verdad about what Ernesto De la Cruz to everyone! Now, there's a sign that says "Forget You" on the bust of De la Cruz in the mausoleum, for they no longer see him as a Greatest Musician of all time anymore. Now everyone was preparing for when the day to begin, I was inside the Ofrenda room with my baby sister, Socorro, in my arms; telling her everything about everyone who had their photos up.

"And this man is your Papá Julio, ...And there's Tía Rosita... and your Tía Victoria... and those two are Oscar and Felipe." I introduced them to her who cooed and tried to reach out to them while looking I me. I gently adjusted her so I can hold her while she got comfy. "These aren't just old pictures: They're our family, and they're counting on us to remember them." I continued and saw her gently suck her thumb and I chuckled softly. That was when I get a gentle hand touch my shoulder.

I turned to see Abuelita next to me. She smiles at me, glad that she's seeing me passing on the tradition to little Coco, Socorro for short. Then she places a picture frame on the ofrenda gently and fixed it.

It was photo of Mamá Coco.

Unfortunately, Mamá Coco passed away during the year and all of us were sad to see her leave us. She looked at the picture with a sad frown on her face, so I put my arm around her and hugged her gently with my free arm, and thanks to that, she smiled softly and we both looked at the photo.

Next to Mamá Coco's picture sits the photo of Mamá Imelda and Papá Héctor, taped back together. Restored in its former glory. That was when we both heard a gentle knock behind us.

"¡Toc Toc!"

The both of us turned our heads to see a happy 11 year old girl who had her hair up in a cola de caballo, still wearing a blue cardigan, and wearing a white shirt with puntos naranjas y amarillos and cempasúchil petals on them, and wearing a skirt that was long enough to hide her legs, but not her feet. I smiled brightly at the person. "Oh! Hey Camila! Finished with your ofrenda already?" I asked as I walked over to her with baby Coco in my arms. She nodded softly and put her hands behind her back. "¡Sí! I came over here to see how you were with everything!" She replied and soon, Coco squealed happily at seeing Camila.

"Hey, would you mind holding her for a moment? I'm gonna help Abuelita and Mamá with food." I asked her as I gestured my baby sister who was trying to reach out to Camila. I would guess that she would, ever since Camila was allowed to be around the house, she and I would play music all the time and Coco, who is now born into a world where she can listen to music; she actually adores it when we play or whenever she sings and I play, visa-versa.

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