The Vanguard - Part 1

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It's always dull pulling guard duty when you're stuck on a lifeless mineral world with no civilization for hundreds of miles. All you do is stare out into the barren plains for hours and hours, burning away in the sunlight and longing for something interesting to happen.

And that is why none of the guards were ready when the fortress gate blew off. The officer in command scrambled to get his troops in order but it was far too late - a tank was already rolling into the outpost, launching smoke bombs left, right and centre. In the fog, the guards fell one by one, each taking a bullet to the head from a distant sniper hidden in the rocks to the east.

Meanwhile two female figures leapt from the tank, drawing their pistols and putting down any guards that remained. One of them, a tall dark haired woman, walked up to the commanding officer who was on his knees, clutching his shoulder in pain. She grabbed him by his chest plate and lifted him to eye level. Staring at him coldly, she spoke.


"You... you won't get away with this!" the officer gasped.

"Sure, whatever. Where's the data file?"

"I don't know what you're talking abou..." before he could finish, the woman punched him square in the face.

"We know it's here! Where?" she yelled, but the officer was out cold.

The other girl, who was younger than the first, approached and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Natasha. You knocked him out. Let's just search the base, it shouldn't be hard to find."

Natasha took a few moments to steady herself, breathing heavily. Then she looked at the unconscious officer in disgust and threw him to the ground. "Ok, Angela. You better take point."

Angela nodded and put a hand to her headset. "Boss, we're all clear out here. Heading into the base now."

"Roger that. Be careful in there, Corsair spotted a Pelican landing on the roof. Could be reinforcements."

"Got it, boss."

'Already?' Angela thought. 'They couldn't have known we were coming. No one ever knows we're coming...' she nodded to Natasha and they drew their pistols, moving slowly into the base.

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