Christmas at the Ponds

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After a moment's hesitation, the Doctor raised his hand and knocked on the Tardis-blue door. A familiar voice came from inside.

"If that is more carol singers, I have a water pistol!"

The Doctor knocked again and she continued.

"You don't want to be all wet on a night like this!" The door opened and Amy appeared, a water pistol in hand. She froze when she saw him standing there.

After a moment, he spoke. "Not absolutely sure how long . . ." He trailed off, realizing he wasn't in the best position.

"Two years," Amy informed him before squirting him in the face with her gun.

He wiped the water off his chin. "Okay. Fair point."

"So," she said, looking him up and down. "You're not dead."

"And a Happy New Year!" he exclaimed, hoping to ignore the fact that he had let her think he was dead for two years.

She stepped forward and he realized she wasn't going to let it pass.

"River told us," she informed him.

He made a face. "Well, of course she did," he grumbled.

"She's a good girl," Amy protested. They stared at each other. "Well? I'm not going to hug first.

"Nor am I," the Doctor replied obstinately.

They stood there in silence, pointedly avoiding each other's gaze. Amy fidgeted with her water gun. Eventually, their eyes met and the Doctor couldn't keep himself from smiling. They both burst into laughter and pulled each other into a tight hug.

"Mr. Pond!" Amy called. "Guess who's coming for dinner."

Rory appeared in the hall, pulling a cardigan around himself.

"Oh! Not dead then?" he said.

"We've done that," his wife informed him.


"We're about to have Christmas dinner," she told the Doctor. "Joining us?"

"If it's no trouble," the Doctor accepted.

"There's a place set for you," Rory said.

The Doctor looked at them in surprise. "But you didn't know I was coming. Why would you set me a place?"

"Oh, because we always do," Amy said. Rory pointed at her in agreement. "It's Christmas, you moron," she added, squirting water at him once more. She turned to enter the house.

"Come on," Rory invited.

The Doctor stood on the step for a moment, overwhelmed. Finally, he managed to step into the house. As he turned to shut the door, he reached up to find a tear on his cheek. He wiped it away and stared at his hand. Letting out a quiet laugh, he shut the door and went to join his friends in the front room.

As he entered the room, he saw a figure sitting on the couch. Her back was to him but there was no mistaking the mane of golden curls.

"Look who showed up, Melody!" Amy called.

River turned. Her eyes settled on her husband and she flashed him a suggestive smile.

"Finally admitting you're alive, are you?" she teased.

"River Song," he said slowly. He leaned over her so he could whisper into her ear. "You told them," he accused.

"You can't expect a girl to just sit there when her mother is crying."

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