Cold bed

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(A/N) the beginning of this segment will be an introduction to set the stage of Lanas life at the moment. 


My name is Lana and im 17 years old,
Every night i walk the long depths of night in my neighbourhood and sit at a park called the "Underwood park"

My mom is used to it by now but i still enter through my window to avoid waking anyone in the house up. I live with my mother, stepfather, grandfather and care taker who prepares my grandpa's meals. It feels lonely
In my house when it's night and they are all asleep. I'm not an only child but all my siblings where shipped abroad for college and only visit once or twice a year.

My father works for a marketing company in Alaska so i don't get to see him often either. 

The reason my father left us was because my mother fell out of love. She asked for my permission to leave him but it really wasn't my place to tell her what to do with her life. If she wasn't happy i wasn't going to make her stay because of me, so they divorced 3-4 years ago and my mother found love again.

Me and my mom recently moved in with her new husband and to be frank i don't quite know how i feel yet, everything is numb.
                  Another stormy night

It's the mid of November a night so stormy it sounded like buckets of water were being thrown at the windows of the roof.

I lay awake this Friday night unable to sleep due to my recent insomnia for the past few weeks. The room cold and my covers unable to keep me warm i decide to go put on some socks & a hoodie to walk around the house.

It felt so unfamiliar but one part of my new home gave me comfort, it was the hallway made of glass windows, it was what connected our living room with a smaller house like structure on the outermost corner of the house that hosted a guest bedroom with its own complimentary bathroom and mini-living room with a fire place. The hallway had one lonely seat i had placed just for the sole purpose of watching the rain pour down onto the clear glass walls and ceiling. I sat on to the chair knees to my chest engulfed by the huge hoodie i also changed into containing some of my body heat. I just sat there and watched mother nature pour and pour so dark outside, the only visible light shinning down is the great big full moon allowing its hue to glow over the surrounding nature and help you to see each and every drop that fell.

Our house is 30 minutes from the city not to far, but far enough to be right next to the big forest and mountains surrounding the outskirts of the city.

Tired i decide to close my eyes and rest my head on my knees. Its already cold in the hallway but for some reason it almost feels as if a gust of wind entered the small-ish space, confused i look up to see if i left a door or window open but to my surprise there was nothing that could have lead to the windy feeling that brushed past me.

A little freaked out i decide to go walk back upstairs to my room and watch the rain from my window instead. The house was completely silent expect for the sound of the rain all around the roofs. While making my way to my bedroom i could have sworn i saw a shadow moving in the hallway i just came from but at this point it was 2:40 a.m and i was sure my eyes were just seeing things that weren't there, and at this point i was way to tired to to check for anything anyways.

Reaching my bedroom i quickly tuck myself into the covers and as soon as my head hit the pillows my eyes started to feel heavy and soon after i fell into a deep sleep while the rain sang to me like a lullaby.

(Another pov):

(???): has she seen you?

Not I'm pretty sure she hasn't.:(?/?)

(???):Boss isn't going to be happy if we don't come back with what we came for.

(?/?): Every thing takes time, if he wants me to  acquire it he's going to have to have patients.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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