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Vibrant blue eyes widen as his body burned up and his mind quickly started to melt, almost unaware that his back had made contact with the stone wall. Suddenly, it was the sharp pain on his tongue and the taste of iron that pushed the hero over the edge. His arms stretched out, allowing his fingers to get a tight grip on the white hair in front of him. Unfamiliar with the sounds coming from his lips, his tongue wrestled with the intruder for what felt like ours, but it wasn't until his arms were slammed and pinned against the wall that he bit down, tasting the unfamiliar dark and bitter taste of demon blood. Just as the taste hit his tongue, the hero's sanity returned, quickly attempting to kick the demon lord off him, but Ghirahim had already moved away, very aware of what Link intended to do.

Ghirahim laughed as he watched the hero pant, mixed blood running down his lips, cheeks flushed rosy red while sky blue eyes glared at him.

"W...what did you do!?" The hero glared, but Ghirahim only continued to laugh.

"And here I thought I finally made it clear" The demon sword grinned.

Convinced Ghirahim had done something, Link spat out the mixed blood and quickly left the small room, slamming the door behind him, not wanting to hear another word from the demon sword.
Enough was enough, Link decided he would tell ganon his goodbyes and head back to Hyrule.

"Ah, Link...did you need something?" The Gerudo king asked with a grin that Link would rather trust over Ghirahim's right now.

"Yes your highness" The hero kneeled down and bowed his head.

"Anything for our peace keeper, just name it."

"I just wanted to inform you that I will be returning to Hyrule and that I very much enjoyed my stay here."

"Splendid, It's wonderful to hear that...but does it have anything to do with your lipstick?" Link looked back up at the king, very confused by his words until the realization hit. His cheeks flushed red and he quickly wiped the smeared makeup off his lips, embarrassed.

"Y-yes, I'll be going now"  And with that, Link gave his regards to the king and his Gerudo's before he packed up and headed out, hoping to reach Hyrule as soon as possible and thankfully, Ghirahim was nowhere in sight...Bless the goddess.


Epona being the first to welcome the young hero home, Linkle was instead, upset that her spiritual brother hadn't stayed longer, frustrated that he couldn't just relax for a weak...or so she thought. Link only went along with her assumption so he didn't have to explain why he wanted to beat the living devil out of the demon sword.

"And what happened to trying to make friends with Ghirahim!?" The young girl bellowed at the hero.

"Look, I don't care about that guy, so let's just stop talking about it and let my life go back to its normal schedule" Linkle still had plenty to say but Link just ignored her, trying to reach his room as fast as he could possibly walk, completely forgetting to let Queen Zelda know of his return.

"Link, don't walk away when I'm talking to you"

"Linkle, go away"

"Just talk to me! Maybe I can help-" Close to smashing her nose, Link had already entered his room and slammed the door shut.

"Link, don't be like that!- Don't you lock the door on me when I'm talking to you!" Linkle banged on the door a few tines before she waited for a response but when none echoed behind the door, she crossed her arms and stomped away, hoping to at least ask him tomorrow when he's feeling better.

The hero just lied on the bed, staring up at the ceiling...He tried to recall the kiss from before but his memory was a bit fuzzy, and the only thing he could clearly remember was the taste of the demon sword's blood shocking his body back to reality.

"Damn it....I just can't seem to figure him out..!" Frustrated, Link rolled over and watched his hand, carefully trying to remember the soft white hair tangled in his fingers...but every time he thought he was close, he could only recall the softness of Epona's main instead.

"What was he hoping to gain...?" He brushed his fingers across his lips that had been bruised from the kiss. A bit hesitant, he reach two fingers into his mouth to feel where his tongue had been bitten. It was definitely still soar but the bleeding had thankfully stopped...but eating wouldn't be happening for a while.
He remembered biting Ghirahim's tongue, but he couldn't remember how his own tongue got bitten. He assumed it must have been from crossing with the demon's fangs but even so, the wound stung and numbed most of his taste buds.

He sighed with defeat and closed his eyes...ready for a new day.


"Your grace, Linkle has informed me that Link has returned"

"That's good to hear" Zelda smiled but desperately tried not to let it show in her eyes how much she wanted to ask the hero what it was like staying in the Gerudo desert. She had only visited once and that was hard enough for Impa to handle.

"But see Impa, our hero returned to us safely. Ganondorf could have easily tried to kill him...especially since he does not wield the master sword..."

"...Perhaps, but even so..."

"Impa, please...we must find trust in Ganondorf"

"But what of that small village? They were against the peace treaty and were completely wiped out last night" Impa knew Zelda couldn't argue her way out of this one...

"I just....I just want peace"

"I know do us all"

It wasn't just ine small village, there were many other towns that began to question Zelda's judgement, refusing to trust a king if thieves and his army, especially when their half Gerudos and half Monsters.
Thankfully though, there were still many others who were grateful for the peace treaty, ready to move on to a new era if love and prosperity.


Up early, Link was already out on the fields training with Epona, while Linkle poorly trained half asleep. Normally the girl was full of energy but she was so upset last night that she had stayed up late to write in her secret journal venting about her frustration towards her soul brother.

She eventually settle for watching Link train...however, this was how she ended up noticing a lot of anger being thrown out from his sword swings. She wanted to be concerned for him but she was still mad about yesterday....but she couldn't stay mad at him forever.

"Link, can we talk?"

"What now?" Link sighed and put his sword away and stroked Epona's main before looking at the young girl.

"You seem...distracted or rather... Irritated"

"...." She had been right.

"Did something happen while you were gone?"

"Look, a lot happened and I don't want to talk about it right now...anyway, I need to give Epona a bath...I'll see you later" Link said, just before riding off into the woods to find the perfect creek for a bath.

Linkle sighed with defeat. Falling over in the grassy field, the poor girl was unaware that she was being watched from a afar.

"So she's the one that convinced Link to come to the castle" Ghirahim him snapped his fingers, ready to confront the girl, but instead, dodged a sudden burst of flames that shot towards him,  burning everything green into crimson flames, leaving only the ash behind.

"My my, protective are we?"

"Don't go anywhere near that girl or I won't miss the next time" The crimson dragon snarled at the demon lord. Ghirahim wasn't afraid to face against Volga...but fighting him would come with high risks.

"Very well, crimson dragon, I'll leave your precious girl be...for now" Disappearing into a sea of diamonds, the dragon knight calmed himself before heading over and approaching the the girl.
Volga didn't know what Ghirahim wanted with Linkle, but whatever it was...he wouldn't allow it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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