Ch3 The Second Fight Y/N Vs Noob Saibot + Confession

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The Next Day Y/Ns POV

I finish meditating for my next match as I soon hear the staff call us for the next match

Jax:So you ready for the next match newbie?

Y/N:Always ready Jax Sir

Jax nods and we walk to the arena where my last match was

Staff:Welcome Fighters to the next round of the mortal Kombat tournament! Let's see today's combatants!

The screen starts doing the slot sound again as it cycles through our portraits

A few seconds it stops on me and some dark covered ninja sub zero is shocked at who my opponent is as well is scorpion

The two ninjas approach me

Sub Zero:Y/N you need to becareful with your next opponent

Y/N:is he that strong?

Scorpion:It's not so much is he strong it's how he acts in a fight

This confused me a bit

Y/N:well who is he that I am fighting?

Sub Zero:He is Noob Saibot but before he looked like that he was my older brother and the original sub zero

This shocked me a bit

Y/N:So am I to believe that I am fighting your older brother Sub zero?

He nods

Y/N:Well this got a whole lot interesting I'd say that much

I say as I walk into the arena as does noob Saibot

Noob:So a weakling trys their hand in the tournament this year huh

Y/N:I may be new to the tournament but atleast I don't betray my family after being killed by a ninja who was only trying to find out who killed his clan isn't that right original sub zero

Noob:So you know my old name but you know nothing of why I came to be!

Y/N:I may not know why but I do know that your rival and your younger brother are at peace with each other something your too stupid to understand since your covered in darkness and rage

This ticked him off

Noob:Shut the hell up! You know nothing of what I gone through!

I look to sub zero

Y/N:Sub zero do you want your older brother back?

Sub Zero:More than anything but why do you ask?

I smile

Y/N:Well you'll be reunited soon

Noob:Ha and how do you plan on reuniting us hmm?

Y/N:well if I can stop your brother and rivals conflict with each other I can most certainly turn you back to normal again

Noob:We shall see

Shao Kahn:Round 1 Fight!

I dash towards Noob rearing my fist back as he does the same

*Punch* *Punch*

We constantly trade blow after blow to each other to which he starts to use his ability of the shadows in which he goes into the shadow to try to uppercut me

But I don't fall for it and grab his fist as he pops out of the ground which shocks him


Y/N:I told you noob I am going to reunite you with your younger brother one way or another!

I say as I start to reach inside him as a light envelopes us both blinding everyone near us including the emperor himself


Noob saibots scream can be heard from the light which worries Sub Zero

Sub Zero:Brother!!

The light soon fades and in noob saibots place is the one and only original sub zero with a calm expression

Y.Sub Zero:Brother?

A/N:Note that Y and O Sub Zero are Younger and Older Sub Zero Respectedly

O.Sub Zero:Yes I am back again little brother

Shao Kahn:Y/N can you explain what you just did?

Y/N:well your grace since noob Saibot was composed of pure evil and darkness I used one of my own abilities to purge that from him freeing the once being known as the older sub zero

Shao Kahn:impressive and your positive that his evil is gone

Y/N:it is indeed now if you be kind enough to resume the match so that we can give a match worth watching your grace

He nods and we get into our stances

Y/N:Well shall we?

I say smirking

O.Sub Zero:Yes let's do this

He smirks back

Shao Kahn:Round 1 Fight

We rush towards each other with intent to win

Timeskip to after the second round

O.Sub Zero is dazed as shao Kahn shouts finish him I look to emperor and shook my head no as I just punch him causing him to fall on to the ground

Shao Kahn:Y/N Wins!

I walk off the arena to my side of the tournament but am surround by everyone

Raiden:Y/N that was quite admirable of what you did out there

Y/N:thank you Lord Raiden and I did it cause I want all three to be at ease with each other

I point to scorpion and the two sub Zero's

Everyone nods and we split off to wait for the next fight tomorrow

Kitanas POV

Y/N leaves the arena and I nod to Skarlet and Sonya as we leave to go do our business

A few minutes later we find Y/N polishing his blade


He looks up at us and smiles

Y/N:Hey girls what can I do for you?

Sonya:Well we have something to tell you

Y/N:ok but why me?

Skarlet:Well your the only one who is making us feel this way

Y/N: what do you mea---

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips to which the other two does the same thing


Kitana:Y/N we all love you very much your the one who makes our hearts flutter and beat fast whenever your near

The other two nod blushing red


I am shocked I just got confessed by three beautiful ladies

Y/N:I accept your feelings ladies

I say smiling as they come rushing to me enveloping me in a big hug smiling

Kitana+Sonya+Skarlet:We love you Y/N!

Y/N:I love you girls too!


A/N:Shadow here with the next chapter Noob Saibot is purged of his evil and is back to his old self as the older sub zero. Y/Ns harem is starting to grow with the three beauties known as Sonya Skarlet and Kitana but who will join the harem Next find out in the next chapter

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