Ch1 Meeting EarthRealm Defenders

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The Next Day Y/Ns POV

Scorpion myself and sub zero are all sitting at the kitchen table eating our breakfast when there is a knock at the door

Y/N:I'll answer it this time

Sub zero:Alright

Getting up I head to the door and open it to see a man in a white&blue outfit with what looks to be a samurai hat on

Y/N:Yes can I help you?

Raiden:Yes I am Raiden here to pick up Scorpion Sub Zero and Y/N

Y/N:ah you must be the one Kitana told me about who she said would pick up me and the other two

Raiden: Precisely but who are you?

Y/N:I'm Y/N the one Scorpion and Sub Zero recommended to enter the mortal Kombat tournament if I am correct on the name of it

Raiden:You are correct but are you sure you want to enter it can be extremely dangerous

Y/N:I'm positive  Lord Raiden while I train with Scorpion and Sub zero I feel I need to expand my combat training against other opponents then the two ninjas here

Raiden:a very good answer now can you call the two so that we may leave

I nod and shout for the other two

Y/N:Scorpion Sub Zero come on Raidens Here!!

A few minutes later the two walk out of the house

Sub Zero:Greetings Lord Raiden

Raiden:Hello Sub Zero are the three of you ready to go?

We all nod in agreement to which raiden gestures for us to follow him

Timeskip to the Area where the fighters are meeting at

????:Ah lord Raiden your here with scorpion and sub zero but who is he?

Raiden:Liu Kang this is Y/N he was recommended by scorpion and sub zero

Liu Kang:But is he able to handle alot of the fights that happen here from what I see he is not that strong

All of a sudden I quick dash behind him with my sword to his neck

Y/N:you ought to know the saying Liu Kang that you should never judge a book by its cover while you might think I look weak on the outside I assure you I am no push over

He is shocked and I put my sword away

Liu Kang:Well with you we might have a chance to win anyway my name's Lui Kang as I'm sure Lord Raiden has mentioned so it is nice to meet you

He holds his hand out for a handshake to which I grab and give him a handshake

Y/N:nice to meet you as Liu Kang the names Y/N but are there others that is on our side?

Liu Kang:there are infact here they come

A group of 6 walk over to the four of us

????:Lord Raiden who is he?

Raiden:Everyone this is Y/N he is here at the recommendation of Scorpion and Sub Zero

????:Ha I bet he not that strong

Y/N:No Offense but says the Hollywood actor who everyone around the realm was calling a fake

????:! You know about that?!

Y/N:yes I read the article it was on

????:oh man I didn't think that was still out

Y/N:Anyway who are you 6 while we are doing introductions I'm Y/N as Lord Raiden Mentioned

Sonya:I'm Lt Sonya Blade of special forces

Johnny:I'm Johnny Cage as you know apparently

Jax:The Names Jax you best be ready newbie

Kitana:Hello again Y/N

Y/N:hello again princess

Cyrax:I am cyrax of the Lin quei

Y/N:Lin Quei? I take it you and sub zero here trained together?

Sub Zero: we did indeed

Skarlet:My name's Skarlet pleased to meet you

Y/N:Nice to meet you all so what are the rules of mortal Kombat if I may be permitted to ask that?

Lord Raiden:The rules are simple
1.both Fighters must only use abilitys they know so no copying other fighters move

Y/N:wait so I wouldn't be able to use fire or ice elements on my sword?

Liu:What do you mean?

I take my sword out and coat it in fire and ice respectfully which shocks the group

Jax:I must say I'm impressed but are you good with it?

I look to see one of the staff eating a piece of chick I quickly use my quick draw move and cut it into tiny pieces

Cyrax:Very impressive

Raiden:Continuing on with the rules
2.Both fighters must be alert at all time during the match
3.When you hear the words "Finish Him/Her" you must be willing to kill your opponent as it's custom to do so
4.No outside help allowed as it is strictly 1v1 fights unless there is a rule for two v two matches

Y/N:Very well but when will the tournament start?

Raiden:it shall start in a few hours so you have time to relax and prepare for the tournament

We all nod and everyone separates while I go over to a corner to clean my blade for the tournament

Sonya and Kitana soon walks over to me

Kitana:Hey Y/N

Looking up I see the two ladies of the team

Y/N:Hello you two what can I do for you?

Sonya:We just want to confirm something

Y/N:and what is that?

Kitana:Liu told us you was able to get behind him and put your sword on him without anyone knowing

Y/N:ah that I did and the only reason I did was to make sure Liu knows the saying that alot of us should know which is "Don't judge a book by its cover"

The two nod

Sonya:also from what scorpion and sub zero they say your a expert in hand to hand combat is that true?

Y/N:it is while I was wondering earth realm I trained under many Masters who trained me in hand to hand Kombat

Kitana:impressive well I hope we can win this tournament

Both sonya and I nod

A few minutes later a gentalman walks on stage

???:Ladys and gentalmen the tournament will now begin please make your way to the destination with your groups

We all get up and begin walking to the destination


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