Dare numero uno

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This means they are thinking it

Me: Hi!!! We have received our first dare!!!! assyliacd has dared Strongarm and Sideswipe to be cuffed together for a whole day and they can't fight. Oh boy they're gonna hate this.

Me: Strongarm!!!! Sideswipe!!!! Get over here!!!!

Sideswipe: What do you need Dragon?

Me: You and Strongarm got a dare

Strongarm: I'm sorry did I hear you right me and Sideswipe?

Me: Yep!!! Here read this

Strongarm and Sideswipe: *reads dare*

Sideswipe: Nope not doing it

Me: You don't get a choice *cuffs them together* bye have fun *walks off*

Strongarm: Now what?

Sideswipe: Simple we get Bee to shoot the cuffs off like last time.

Strongarm: I have a feeling this won't work


Bumblebee: Strongarm and Sideswipe? Uhh.... what do you need?

Sideswipe: We got a dare.

Bumblebee: Oh.... what is the dare?

Strongarm: Sideswipe and I have to remain cuffed together for a whole day with no fighting.

Sideswipe: Can you shoot off the cuffs?

Bumblebee: Nope, Sorry

Sideswipe: Why do I get the feeling you're not sorry

Bumblebee: Because the scrap yard will be peaceful for once, now bye *walks off*

Strongarm: Told you it wouldn't work

Sideswipe: Dragon!!!

Me: Yeah

Sideswipe: What happens if we fight?

Me: If you two do fight I'll let the people who dared you this pick

Sideswipe and Strongarm: Oh....

4 hours later

Sideswipe: This is boring!!!!

Strongarm: You could read a data pad

Sideswipe: And if I don't want to?

Strongarm: We could play the human game chess?

Sideswipe: I'll think about it

Another 4 hours

Sideswipe: How much time is left!?!?

Strongarm: According to my internal clock; 16 hours

Sideswipe: Ugh!!!

Strongarm: the offer of chess still stands

Sideswipe: Since there's both else to do; fine!!!

Strongarm: First let's go over the rules

Sideswipe: *groans*

3 hours later

Strongarm: Check mate

Sideswipe: You win, again. Can we do something else?

Strongarm: if you have an idea, yes

Sideswipe: Go for a drive, maybe?

Strongarm: *lifts up arm that's cuffed to sideswipe's arm*

Sideswipe: a walk then

Strongarm: Why not

4 hours later

Strongarm: The night sky is really pretty

Sideswipe: Mmhmm (like you)

Strongarm: we have yet to fight

Sideswipe: Maybe we'll make it

Strongarm: I hope so

3 hours later

Sideswipe: Ugh there's 'cons and we can't help cause we're cuffed together!!!!

Strongarm: I don't like it anymore than you do

5 1/2 hours later

Strongarm and Sideswipe: *yelling at each other*

Bumblebee: So close

Me: Yep... they only had 30 minutes left

Bumblebee: Are you two going to fight for the remaining 30 minutes or not?

Strongarm and Sideswipe: *look at each other*

Strongarm: Why do you have to be so annoying? (I kind of like how annoying you are though)

Sideswipe: Me annoying?!?! You're the one read off rules none stop (it is helpful sometimes though)

Bumblebee: I'll take that as a yes

30 minutes later


Strongarm and Sideswipe: *stop fighting*

Me: Times up *snaps fingers and the cuffs disappear*

Sideswipe: How did you do that?

Me: I have my ways

Strongarm: So what's our punishment for fighting before the times up?

Me: I'm gonna let assyliacd pick that. You can leave their punishment in the comments. They where so close too. Well bye!!!!

Bumblebee: Who are you talking to?

Me: I said bye Bumblebee

Bumblebee: *sigh*

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