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The next few weeks were pure bliss fot Layne. He was clean, he was making decent pay at his job and started vocal lessons for younger kids, he and his friends were slowly making music on the side, and to top that all off, he had a gorgeous and extremely supportive boyfriend that he couldn't get enough of.

For once in his life, he was genuinly happy.

Jerry was trying to get Layne to move in with him, but the singer was reluctant. There was still a small pang of worry that he and his boyfriend wouldn't last. But Jerry felt the opposite.

The guitarist was so deeply in love with Layne he could hardly contain it. Of course, he wouldn't tell the singer that. He thought it was too soon, being that it only had only been less than a month that they officially became a thing.

"Layneyyyyy" Jerry cooed, glancing down at his sleeping boyfriend.

Layne groaned and rolled over.

"Babe c'mon it's Sunday, let's go do something." Jerry kept whining, and Layne groaned.

"Just come cuddle with me Jer- hey!"

Before Layne could protest, Jerry picked the singer up and brought him into the kitchen.

"Put me down." Layne whined, "I'm too heavy."

Jerry snorted and set Layne onto the counter, "you're dumb."

Layne gasped, "I am not!"

"You just said you're fat." Jerry pointed out.

"Yes I am-" Jerry silenced him by pressing his lips against his, sliding his tongue into the singers mouth and running his hands up and down his boyfriend's thighs.

Layne didn't protest to this at all. He let out a tiny moan and pulled needily at Jerry's shirt.

Layne pulled away and pressed his lips against his boyfriend's ear, "fuck the bed, just take me on this countertop." He groaned.

Jerry ran his tongue up Layne's neck, "I was planning on it."

"Layne you in here?" Mike called, banging at his apartment door.

Jerry and Layne both groaned in unison. "Your friends are a bunch of cock blocks.

Layne slid of the counter. "What do you want Mike?"

The bassist let himself in, Sean following suit. Jerry just looked down.

Sean snorted, "were we interrupting something?"

"No." Jerry said quickly.

"Your pants tell me otherwise."

"Hey, don't look at my man's dick." Layne shot back.

"Anyway," Mike interjected, "we were gonna go to that big ass concert downtown, did you still wanna go? Jerry can come too of course."

Layne looked over at his boyfriend, and he said he was down to go with them.

"I'm gonna get plastered so one of us needs to be sober enough to drive us home."

"Not me." Mike and Layne said in unison, Sean saying it again quickly after.

Three heads turned to Jerry, and he groaned. This is gonna be a long night...

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