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Jerry stood there in shock. How could he be so stupid? The guy in front of him was Layne.

He wasn't really sure how to react to this. He's been trying to figure out what Layne looked like, and here he was. Jerry couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Layne thought he was ugly. Because he was far from it. Layne was exactly his type.

Jerry had already fallen for Layne when they first started talking. At that point, he didn't care what he looked like. But somehow, he managed to find an amazing human being.

Before Jerry could say anything, the door burst open, revealing a worried Mike and Sean.

"Dude where were you-? Oh."

Layne hid his face in his hands. Could this get any more embarrassing?

"S-sorry, we'll be at the table!" Sean called before slamming the door.

While Layne was stuck in a sticky situation, he was thankful that his friends were open-minded. He had told them years ago that he was gay after hiding it for so long. And the two accepted him with open arms.

Jerry removed his hands from Layne's waist, and stared at the man he had fallen head over heels with weeks ago.


Layne just shook his head and continued to look down at the dirty tile floor.

"Hey," Jerry lifted the singer's chin up lightly, "why were you trying to hide from me?"

Tears blurred Layne's vision. "B-because I thought you wouldn't wanna be with me..."

Jerry frowned. How could he not want to be with Layne? He was so pure, so perfect.

"I-I gotta' go." Layne said quickly before Jerry could respond.

But Jerry was quicker. Before Layne's hand touched the door, the guitarist was ripping him away and shoving him up against the wall again, "stop running away from me beautiful."

Shocked and a little turned on, the singer looked up at him with wide eyes, and Jerry pressed his lips against the singer's with lust, want, and passion.

"You make me so crazy baby boy..." Jerry mutter huskily, and Layne groaned and pulled the guitarist closer to him.

The two stood there, lips melding together perfectly in sinc. Layne didn't want it to end. But Jerry pulled away. Before he could protest, Jerry's latched his lips onto Layne's sensitive neck while his hands found their way on his hips.

"Layney..." he whispered.


"Be mine baby."

Layne bit his lip, trying to hold back a grin. "I was yours since the minute I heard your voice on the phone."

Jerry gave Layne a big, genuine smile, before claiming his lips with his own again. They weren't planning on leaving the bathroom anytime soon.

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