In Denial

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Beomgyu kicked Taehyun off the sofa. "Of c-course not! I don't fall for weirdos like you!"Beomgyu said and crossed his arms. Taehyun hissed and got back on the sofa getting closer to Beomgyu again. "Are you sure???"he asked teasing the older boy. "Bitch it's time to go the storm is over- put on your shoes and leave my house!"Beomgyu said and rushed Taehyun to put on his shoes.

Beomgyu throws the shoes at Taehyun who quickly puts them on. "Now go!"Beomgyu said quickly and started pushing Taehyun out the door. Taehyun laughs and steps forward. He turned around to face Beomgyu.

"Well, see ya soon cutie, peace out."Taehyun said and left the house leaving Beomgyu standing there staring at him. The older shuts the front door and puts his back against the door, sliding down - sitting.

His mind running wild, multiple thoughts going through his head at the same time, but one thought was the most clear.

What if you do like Taehyun?

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