Chapter Nine: " The Truth" (Part 1)

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Narrator's POV:
After hearing what Julius, the Wizard King, said to Noelle, Mimosa and Bell, they walked out the castle with Yuno and Asta in hand.

They had no lead to changing Asta and Yuno back to normal.
Noelle's POV:
Me and Mimosa stood there in front of the wizard king as he stared at us with a look of concern.

"Hello, It's nice to see you, Mimosa, Noelle, so what is so urgent that you had to interupt my flow of doing paperwork?" Sir Julius asked.

"Oh! We are very very sorry to bother you but we wanted to inform and ask you of something...." I answered nervously after me and Mimosa souluted the Wizard King.

"We thought that if anything happened to your two favorite stars then you would simply want to know so we have come to tell...." Mimosa stated.

Both me and Mimosa then took turns telling parts of what had happened, right after Bell apologized to the Wizard King for causing harm to Yuno.

After this there was a long pause that was followed by the Wizard King chuckling.

"My my, they have certaintly gotten themselves in a problem!"

We nodded and asked for assitance but to our dismay, there was nothing he could do.
-----------------End of Flashback---------------

Mimosa's POV:
"We're gonna have to tell Klaus about the situation with Yuno, Bell." I stated giving hera serious look.

"WHAT! WHY! He'll be so mad at us!" Bell exclaimed.

"That's why we have to tell him. If we don't do it now then he will be more mad at us for not telling him sooner." I pointed out.

Bell went silent and nodded after a minute of thinking.

"You too, Noelle will have to tell your captain. We can't because it will ruin Yuno's reputation in the squad than it already is...."

"Ok...." Noelle replied

We said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways.
-------------------------Time Skip-------------------
By the time me and Bell got to the hideout it was sunset. And of course a furious Klaus stood where we landed, in the garden.

Klaus's POV:
Their late AGAIN! I swear.....

As Mimosa, Bell, and Yuno Jr walked my way I was ready to scold them for being so late but before I could say anything, Mimosa spoke.

"Klaus. We have something very important to tell you."

"This cat in my hands is the one and only Yuno. We got the idea of naming him Yuno Jr so you wouldn't notice that it was Yuno. We lied to you the first night we came in late, so we are going to come clean."


"Yuno and Asta are both in this state because of my insecurities. They were both miniturized and then switched into cats because I wanted Yuno to treat me better."

"We have tommorow to fix them, or they will become cats forever and be removed from everyone who knew them. They will forget them. This is why we have been coming in so late, we were trying to find some answers. But we have no lead." Mimosa said and looked at the ground.

"We are very sorry." Bell and Mimosa said in unison

I was too shocked. Then I sighed.

"Alright, i forgive you.."

"Really!" Mimosa beamed.

"Yes. But next time....TELL ME THE TRUTH!"


Bell just gave Yuno a bear hug.

Then it hit me.

Omg..i confessed my feelings to YUNO!

My face went tomato red. Its a good thing its night so no one saw.

I sighed.

Then took Yuno out of Mimosa's arm's.

"Alright!" I said then gave him a hug.

I promise that i'll try to save you from this curse

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