Chapter Twenty-Three: "The Meeting"

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Yuno's POV:
I stood there in silence, in fact, the room was completly silent.

I was brought here by Noelle who knew these people were in here.

But what could be so important that they would called me her as well?

"Asta, Noelle, Alecdora, Klaus, and Yuno, you all have been called here to discuss the event that included the kidnapping of Mimosa Vermillion." The Wizard King stated.

"Wait. If I may ask, why was I called here? I never knew anything about Mimosa being kidnapped if I recall." Alecdora stated.

"You'll find out your role soon Alecdora." Captain Vangence replied.

"Because Yuno, Asta, Noelle and Klaus witnessed the scene, they will tell us everything they know about the event that went down." The Wizard King said.

There was a pause.

The pressure is intense!

"This meeting was also held to give all of you a mission." Captain Vangence stated.

"Your job, is to find this Alex, find out all the links, the connections, every little thing that led to the attack." The Black Bull Captain went on.

"You must find out who he is working for and bring back Mimosa safely back to the Clover Kingdom."

"Wait. You said 'to the Clover Kingdom', what do you mean by that?" Noelle questioned.

"Oh yes, a certain magic knight saw Alex and Mimosa as they left the kingdom, but his memory was erased before he could do anything about it." The Wizard King stated.

"That Magic Knight, was you Alecdora." Captain Vangence stated.


Of course. The idiot nobleman would see Mimosa in that kind of state and just not do anything about it.

"So you must go with these young Magic Knights and recover your lost memories. You also will serve as their guide, because in those lost memories, Alex revealed where he was going and other things to you." Captain Vangence stated.

"Yes sir." Alecdora replied and soluted the Captain.

"Your Captain's have already approved of the mission, so you do not have to worry about that."

"Do any of you have any questions?" The Wizard King smiled and asked.

Asta rasied his hand, "Uh, Wizard King sir? Are we leaving straight away? Or do we have time to train?"

"You idiot! Of course we leave straight awa-" Noelle went to say but was interupted by the Wizard King.

"No, you leave in 5 months. You get to train and improve your power in that time." The Wizard King stated.

"Alright! I'm gonna start training the second we leave!" Asta beamed.

"You idiot!" Noelle screamed.

"If that's all the questions, then you are dismissed." Captain Vangence stated.

"Alright! Strength Training, here I come!" Asta beamed then raced out the room.

"A-asta! Wait!" Noelle called after him then ran.

I walked out next to Klaus, "That boy seriously loves training."

"Tell me about it." I replied.

"YUNO~~~!" I heard Bell call.

Oh god. Here she comes.

"Are you gonna take me on a date today?????" She asked with the biggest smile on her face.

"Uh. Can't. I have to start training for a mission." I stated.

"Awww! Why a mission now?! Wait. A mission?!" Bell questioned.

Then she went on a full rant about why I should have woken her up.

"I had no idea I was even going to a meeting. So don't blame me." I stated.

"Still! You should have turned back and came for me!" Bell pouted.

"Look Bell, he was the only one left to get to the meeting, so he could even if he wanted to." Klaus stated.

"Who asked you four eyes?!" Bell asked angrily.

"Don't take your anger out on him." I stated with a glare.

"Your so mean Yuno!" Bell turned, then flew away.

I sighed.

She'll get over it.

Besides, Klaus is the only one for me....Wait. WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!!! NOOOO

I shaked my head from side to side.

Klaus POV:
I looked at Yuno and saw him with a red face shaking his head from side to side.

Is he ok?

I put my hand on his shoulder then turned him so that he was looking at me.

"Are you ok?" I asked with concern.

His face turned even redder and he looked away, "I-im fine!"

Oh my wizard king! He is so cute!

I let go of his shoulder and started walking towards the dinning hall.

Yuno's POV:
Oh, that was dangerous.

I sighed. Then walked out to the courtyard.

This is where is all went down.

I stood under a tall tree that was still standing.

Were coming Mimosa, we just need more time.


Is It Fate, Or A Curse?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن