"We live with our friends there, men, women and even a kid, we're more of a family really so you don't have to worry" Arthur cut in, probably realizing she needed a little bit of a push. "You promise?" her question was directed towards Arthur alone and he reassured her as best as he could.

"O-okay then"


Blue slightly regretted her choice of accepting the offer as she sat in front of Dutch on his white horse. She wished she could have stayed with the other man, Arthur, but he had a bunch of bags on his horse so there simply wasn't any room for her. Dutch seemed nice enough and he made sure she didn't fall off when her eyes grew heavy.

Eventually she must have fallen asleep because she was only vaguely aware of being lifted of the horse and tucked under a warm blanket.

The next thing she knew she was staring at the white walls of a tent, the sun slightly illuminating it. There was a few moments of panic before she remembered why she wasn't at home in her corner of the dormitory.

She became aware of the sound of snoring next to her and crawled to the edge of the bed, peaking over it she found Arthur, one arm slung over his eyes, mouth slightly open. He looked funny and before she could stop herself a slight giggle left her lips. Shocked at the sound that had come out of her she covered her mouth and scooted back towards the thin wall.

For a few seconds she was scared that it would wake the sleeping man but he made no indications that it had disturbed him. Blue spent what, for a child, felt like an eternity waiting for the man to wake. She didn't know where she was or what she was supposed to do so she simply waited.

Eventually Arthur did wake up and grumbled a 'good morning' as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at her and smiled and Blue let herself actually meet his eyes, but only for a moment. People usually didn't want her to look at them, they thought her eyes were scary and so she had learnt to keep her eyes on the ground.

This man, however, didn't seem to mind but it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Sleep well?" he asked and she gave him a little nod, she hadn't slept in anything even resembling a bed since her mama died and that was years ago now so she had slept really good for once.

"Let's go get something to eat why don't we? You must be starving!" she noticed that he couldn't stand straight in the tent as he stood up motioning for her to do the same. Sliding of the cot she let him guide her though the flaps and out into the cold morning air.

There were a few people moving around the camp though she only saw their feet and heard their 'good mornings' as they passed her cast down eyes.

"Ah here's our little miss Blue" she recognized Dutch voice and dared a glance in his direction, he was sitting on a log with an older man eating something out of a bowl.

"Come and sit down love" she did as she was told and sat at the very edge of the log "Pearson get the girl some food why don't you" he continued.

The man who sat next to him stood up and then crouched down in front of Blue trying to catch her evasive eyes "My name's Hosea, It's a pleasure to meet you" he offered her his hand and though hurt her raw palm she accepted it. "You know when they first told me your name was Blue I thought they had just misheard you but I think I understand it now, cause those are some pretty eyes you have there." Pretty? She'd heard plenty of descriptive words about them through the years but not pretty, never pretty.

She was so shocked that she just stared at him for a little while, letting his genuine smile warm her. Realizing she was staring she quickly looked down at her hands blushing furiously. She could hear people chuckling around her.

"Now look what you've done old man! She's all embarrassed!" Arthur chuckled as he squeezed himself in between her and Dutch, handing her a bowl of steaming stew.

"Eat up kid, it'll warm you right up"

And it did. Blue couldn't remember the last time she got an ENTIRE bowl all to herself and not only that! It had meat in it AND carrots! She dint care about her aching body anymore she simply sat there, dangling her feet and eating.

In the end she couldn't finish it but Arthur happily did it for her when he was sure she actually couldn't eat anymore without getting sick. Everything felt so peaceful right then and there, well at least until there was a scream coming from the line of tents. Blue jumped so high that she would have fallen of the log if it wasn't for Arthur quick reflexes.

"LOOK AT THE STATE OF THIS CHILD!!!" a woman with big hair and a stern face came rushing towards them causing Blue to automatically cower into Arthur's side.

"Calm down woman! You wanna scare her to death?!" Dutch Growled from the other side of Arthur.

"Don't you tell me to calm down you old slug! Look at her! Come here darling and let me clean you up" the woman didn't sound as threatening when she directed her voice attention to Blue but the thought of this woman pulling her away from Arthur and Dutch didn't sit well with her so she simply shook her head and pushed further into the warm body next to her.


Arthur put a protective arm around the girl as Miss Grimshaw loomed over them, letting the older woman take out her anger at Dutch while he soothingly rubbed up and down on Blue's arm trying to make her feel somewhat safe.

"She aint all that bad" he whispered to the girl "she just don't like dirt, that's all."

Blue looked at him with her peculiar eyes "I didn't mean to make her upset" she said, sounding as if she was ashamed. Arthur couldn't help but let out a small chuckle "You didn't, we did. She's angry casue we didn't clean you up properly" he was going to keep on talking but Miss Grimshaw cut him off

"Can't even trust FOUR men to keep ONE little girl clean of blood! Well come here then sweetheart we you need a proper bath before we give you back to your mama, and we're gonna have to take a look at those cuts too" she put her hand out for Blue but the girl hesitated, looking to Arthur for advise

"You go with Miss Grimshaw and she'll take good care of you, we'll be here when you're done" he reassured her.



Reluctantly Blue slid of the log and let the older woman take her hand, leading her away.

Arthur turned towards Dutch and Hosea who both had amused smiles on their faces.

"She's growing on you son" Dutch winked at him, bumping his shoulder to Hosea's.

"Don't you pretend she aint growing on you too Dutch!"

"Ah quiet down you two! She's got both of you wrapped around her little finger already and there aint no need to deny it!" Hosea laughed, pouring them all a cup of coffee as they waited. 

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