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So I heard from a little bird that a new chapter was wanted, ask and I shall provide.


"Are you sure you can do it Tipsy? If you don't want to I-"

"I said I'd do it an' a dwarf always keeps his promise, almost... well maybe not Harrold but that's mostly because he's too drunk to know what's goin' on..." Blue couldn't help but smile through her worries as he scrunched his face up, thinking about Harrold.

"There's that pretty smile I love so much, that's what I do it for." He said, placing his rough hand on her cheek, letting his own uneven smile spread wide on his face. Standing up from whare she had been kneeling on the floor, she opened the door for him and watched in wonder as he disappeared into the night.

She trusted him with her life, literally. If the wrong person got a hold of the letter he was carrying she would be in a lot of trouble, and this time she didn't know if a beating would be all she'd receive.


Arthur damn near pissed himself when the little man had kicked him in the shin, declaring he was looking for someone who knew a young lady named Blue. Dutch explained who they were and took the piece of paper that the man held out.

Clearing his voice he read out loud;

For whomever this letter reaches, if it is in fact you Dutch then this is my message for you.

Tomorrow, right when the sun starts setting, I will release the Zebras' onto the field to the right (seen from the woods) of the main tent. Them escaping isn't unusual and won't look suspicious in the least.

If everything goes as planned I will able to ride out looking for the animals, as I always do, and go into the woods. I will enter on the trail by the big rock, I hope you know which, and I hope for your assistance to help me get rid of the man who will be in my company.

If we don't return before morning, they will simply believe we camped for the night.

I asked Tipsy to bring you this letter and he also carries a bag with my most priced possessions, please keep them safe and send my friend back with an answer on whether you intend to help or not.


Blue Morgan.

Ps. I do NOT want the man dead or hurt, only unable to rat me out until we are safe.

"Still signs Morgan I see" Arthur mumbled, smiling from the warmth now easing the worry in his heart.

"Of course she does son, of course she does!"


Time passed painfully slowly. Tipsy had been gone for some time and one bad scenario after the other popped up in her head. Did someone catch him? was he seen leaving her tent and running over the field? Was someone on the way to her wagon right now, Tipsy's battered body dragged behind them? Was Dutch anywhere to be found? Anyone? Her father? Was he even alive? It was Dutch who had shown up at the circus not her father, maybe... maybe there was a reason for that...

It was well past midnight when her door creaked open, Junior growled and for a second she thought it was an unwanted visitor. But when the big dog's tail started wagging cheerily she let out the breath she'd been very aware she was holding.


It wasn't Tipsy, neither was it someone coming to hurt her. It was Bean coming by, making sure she had gone to bed, like he always did around midnight since he knew she had a tendency to stay up reading too long.

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