*Chapter 5: The Hunter and Turn Around

Start from the beginning

"Yes Jameson?" she asked, leaning against the counter. She refrained from laying her head down and falling asleep right there.
"Where's the salt?" Snow turned around and took the Salt and Pepper from off the counter and handed it to him.
"Anything else?" she asked to the seven of them all. They all burst out giving orders to Snow and she took them with stride, but with a tired look. JC watched, amused as she scuttled around the kitchen fetching things for the boys. When she was done she walked out and he noticed she hadn't taken anything to eat for herself.

JC nudged Merlin. "Yes?" Merlin asked.
"Did Snow eat?" JC asked.
"Don't know, why?" Merlin asked, poking his chicken.
"Will you go bring her something?" Merlin nodded, and stood up quietly, and grabbed and extra plate and loaded it up for her. JC watched the boys talking and eating and laughing. He sat at the head of the table, and starred at the empty chair across from him at the other end. A chair that had never been sat in. He took a bite of the chicken and turned his head and continued to watch and listen.

Snow stood and walked towards the bathroom, she had a white silk nightgown in her arms and a hairbrush in her hand. She pushed open the door, and gave it a reproachful look. Hoping the boys wouldn't come into the bathroom, she turned on Merlin's spotless shower and jumped right into the hot water. It fell down onto her aching back, loosening the tight muscles and brought a small smile to her face.
After she was done she climbed out and slipped the nightgown on. It fell down to her ankles, fitting her perfectly. She took the hairbrush and walked silently out of the bathroom. Her feet made no sound on the stone floor as she walked back to her nook and sat on the couch with a book in her lap and brush in hand.

She then noticed a plate of food and note waiting for her on the table: We went out, be back after midnight. Don't worry about us. ~Merlin

Snow smiled and took the plate of food. Maybe these boys weren't too bad after all...

M * M * M * M * M

Seven wolves stood in a circle of trees, waiting for the birds to stop chirping and the leaves to settle. A black wolf with startling blue eyes and a white patch in the shape of a crown on his chest stood perfectly still, watching his pack watch him. A light snow started to fall and the world went still as a new level of cold hit.

The wolves froze too and watched the black wolf as he started pacing. There was the snap of a branch and a man wrapped in wool and warm clothing from head to foot with a bow and arrow strapped to his back and knife in hand. He froze when he saw the wolves.

"My god it's true..." he whispered. The black wolf walked slowing towards the man. He sat down inches from his face and said.
"You are looking for Snow, are you not?"
The man, not finding this at all startling, answered.
"By order of the Queen. I wish not to be out here. But if I do not bring back her head, she will take mine. I have watched little Snow grow up; I do not wish to see her dead. No one does, but they're too afraid to do anything about it. The Queen is ruthless." The wolf considered this and the sincerity in his voice.
"What you're saying is true," the man nodded, letting out a breath he wasn't aware he had been holding. "I will not kill you, though it is not wise for you to go back to the Kingdom. Do you have a family?" The man nodded.
"A wife and three kids."
"Take them into the woods at dawn. My brother will meet you in the shadows. Do not be alarmed, he will not hurt you. He will guide you out of the forest to a safer realm. Do not come back, for the Queen will you kill you if something else doesn't get to you first. Listen to everything he says. Do you understand?" The man nodded.
"One last thing..." The huntsman said shyly. His eyes flickered briefly to the crown on the wolf's chest and back to his eyes. 

The wolf cocked his head, waiting.
"Are you... Are you... The-"
"It would be safer if you did not know. Now go to your family. I wish you safe travel." The man rushed off and the black wolf turned around.

"Zane, will you guide him?" 

Zane nodded, and started trotting off; but stopped at the edge of the clearing. "What are you going to tell Snow?"
JC frowned, his ears flopped down, and looked out into the forest. "I'm not sure yet, but I do know we have to keep her safe." He turned towards them all. "And I'm prepared to do anything to keep her that way."

* M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M *

Merlin slowly cracked open the door, trying to keep quiet. A fire was burning in the kitchen, and a few candles were lit. Six boys walked in and froze when they saw Snow. Her face was pressed between the pages of a book, two candles burning next to her. Her face had a soft smile on it and her hair fell around her in tendrils.

"Well she looks beautiful in the candle light," Merlin stated.
All of the boys blinked, unsure of what to do. "Should we leave her...?" Lucas asked.
"Well I don't know, but I'm going to bed." Alex turned around and walked out of the room. Nick followed, as did everyone else but JC and Merlin.
"Do you want me to-" Merlin started.
"No, I will." JC said. He was staring at her face like it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. And he had seen a lot of interesting things in his lifetime.
Merlin nodded, and walked out of the kitchen, but not before giving JC one last, long look.

"Snow," JC said softly, nudging her shoulder.
"Mmmm." She turned her head away from him.
"Snow I'm going to bring you to bed, put your arms around me."
"Mmm-mm." She said, furrowing her brows, a frown on her face.
"Come on Snow, your tired. I'm going to bring you to bed."
She didn't move and her frown slowly disappeared from her face. He took that as a good sign and walked up to her. She sat up, eyes groggy and half-closed. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he picked her up, and nuzzled her face into his chest.
"You smell like the woods" She said softly. "I like it. Reminds me of home."
JC bit his lip to keep a tiny smile from threatening to form and set her on the couch. He tucked the blanket around her and threw another log on the fire. He was about to walk away when Snow spoke up.

"You look better when you're less stressed too. And caring. That's a nicer look on you then scowling all the time. Sweet dreams." Snow said with a yawn. She rolled over, and ended the conversation with the gentle puffs of her breath as she fell back asleep.
JC stood there, staring at her shoulders rise and fall with her even breathing. He was rendered speechless, and that never happens. He turned slowly and went into the bedroom filled the sounds of creaking beds and loud snores. Did he really have to physically show that he cared for her to see it?

* M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M * M *

Snow woke up to the sound of bacon frying and laughter. She rolled over and was tangled up in her blanket. Unwrapping herself, she stood and walked towards the kitchen and froze at the door. There was food on the table, eight place settings, and nothing looked broken or burned. Merlin and JC were cooking while the other boys were sitting around at the counter and talking.

"Boys?" Snow walked in and they all froze.
"Good morning Snow." They chorused happily.
Her eyes scanned their faces and she counted one missing. "Where's Zane?"
"He's in town on a short business trip I sent him on. He should be back late this evening or tomorrow." JC said calmly.
No one noticed Merlin exhale as he turned and smiled at Snow. "Come Snow, we cooked breakfast ourselves!" He rushed her over to the head of the table and sat her down. Food came flying with the boys not trailing far behind.
Pancakes and fruit and bacon and eggs hit her plate. Milk filled her glass. A napkin was placed on her lap.

Despite herself, Snow laughed. "I'm quite concerned boys," she poked the pancake. "Are you sure these are edible?"
"JC cooked, so I would hope so." Nick said while he drenching is pancake in syrup. JC watched from the other end of the table as she bit into her pancake and chewed thoughtfully. All he could see while looking at her was what had happened last night, even though she probably didn't remember it. Then why should I... he thought, looking away briefly.
"I approve," Snow said with a grin. The boys cheered and started eating. Merlin joined in, but soon noticed JC wasn't talking to anyone and eating slowly.

"What's up?" he asked, taking a huge bite of pancake.
"She's different from any other human I've met." JC chewed thoughtfully.
"She's the only human some of us have met JC." Merlin looked at him. "Unless you're not telling me something..." JC looked at Merlin and sighed.
"Later Mer. Later." Merlin gave him another questioning look but let the matter go. He knew better than to push a matter JC was stubborn on not talking about. And that consisted mainly of his past.

Snow White and the Seven WerewolvesWhere stories live. Discover now