Hetalia: The Lost Cities Version

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Atlantis walked up to the White House, long blue hair blowing in the warm summer wind. Her brown eyes scanned the perimeter of the large building, and when she saw someone there, she quickly fled behind a pillar. Social interaction wasn’t her thing, and she was nervous, this being her first time at a world meeting. Her head peeked out after a while, seeing that the person was no threat.

Her eyes rolled over to the person. She was a fairly tall girl, who stood up straight and confidently. Her hair was light hazelnut brown, and it was done in a single braid with a large red ribbon. She had forest green eyes, and on her back was what seemed to be a sword... Atlantis slowly stopped hiding behind the pillar, and tried to sneak off towards the back entrance to find America.

Camelot sighed for the millionth time since she had agreed to go to the World Meeting with England. The so-called “gentleman” was late. Terribly late. She pulled out her new-fangled phone, another gift from England, and checked the time. It was already two-o'clock, and England had promised to come at one-thirty... Camelot sighed again and slipped the phone back into her back pocket. How long was he going to make her wait?

Camelot was just about to give up and go home when she turned around and spotted a wisp of blue hair floating off in another direction.

“Wait!” she called loudly. The person she had spotted, a young girl about her age, stopped suddenly in surprise and looked back at her anxiously.

“Sorry for surprising you... Um, I’m here for the World Meeting. Can you give me directions?” Camelot asked sheepishly. She waited for a reply.

“...U-Uh I, uh... o-okay.” Atlantis stuttered. Conversation was in the top ten of her worst skills.

“Excuse me? Sorry, but could you repeat that? Louder?” Camelot called. She began to step forward, but stopped awkwardly when the blue-haired girl froze up. “Am I that scary...?” Camelot thought to herself.

“U-Um! Sure I can g-give you d-directions!” Atlantis said as loudly as she could, which wasn’t actually that loud in reality...

Camelot gave her a questioning look, but said no more as Atlantis whispered, "Uh...if you g-go t-that way, you can reach....the W-World Meeting... W-Well that’s about it... I’m g-going now...." She tried to scurry away quickly.

“Wait up!” Camelot yelled, and ran up to Atlantis. “Um, since I’m new here, could we possibly go in together?” she asked politely.

“U-um...” Atlantis wasn’t sure how to respond. Not interacting much with anyone else other than America and her pet fishes, she just nodded without thinking. It couldn’t possibly be that bad...could it?

Camelot brightened up happily. Thank goodness for nice, albeit shy, people! This blue-haired girl was really helpful, unlike a certain English jerk... Camelot made a mental note-to-self to scold him later for not arriving on time... For now, she would tag along with this girl and try to introduce herself to all the other nations without messing up...

The two girls walked through the side entrance, with Atlantis walking nervously ahead and Camelot strolling behind, trying not to stare at everything for too long like a tourist.

Finally, Camelot decided to try to break the silence. “Hey, I forgot to ask but... What’s your name?”

The girl muttered, “I-I’m...A-Atlantis...” She didn’t speak very loudly, for fear of others around them hearing. Atlantis had decided that the girl had some right to know her name at least, but she wasn’t completely sure. Nevertheless, she could feel a sort of friendly draw from the girl’s aura, and decided to entrust her with the knowledge of her name. However, once she uttered it, she started remembering all the other times she had told her name to someone, and braced herself for the impact of words that she knew was going to come flying at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2012 ⏰

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