Chapter 7 - Did it work out?

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"Freddie, take a knife!", an arrow was painted on John's belly towards his navel. Sam took the knife and made a cut from his navel to his chest. "Okay and now the dirty part.", Sam put her hand in his stomach at the height of his navel. She searched and searched, she almost had to gag. Carly almost fainted from watching it. Sam found the key and pulled it from his stomach. "How long do we have left?", "We have 2 minutes and 36 seconds left.". Sam opened the door, they had managed to escape. They had to orientate themselves. Fortunately they were not far from home. "I make minced meat from Nevel.", Sam cooked inside. "That makes no sense, they are numerous. We have to find out who their boss is and then we can catch them.". "Okay, then we will stalk your mother from now on. It's the only way to find out who she works for.". Weeks passed, they were not a step further. "This makes no sense, we better stop this.", Marissa walked out of her apartment. "This is our chance!", The trio immediately started the pursuit. She pursued her to a large, abandoned factory. Marissa walked in and called her name. "Welcome, Marissa. Already found a way to kill Carly Shay?", Carly was shocked. The boss was none other than Spencer, her big brother. One of the few they trusted. Why did he want to kill Carly, how sick do you have to be to kill your own sister? Those questions haunted her mind. Freddie couldn't take it anymore and called the police. Countless patrols hit the factory. Marissa, Nevel, Spencer and Sam's mother couldn't go any further. They were immediately arrested. Only Spencer was awkward and wanted to attack Carly with a knife. "One step and I cut her throat.", Freddie took the gun from a cop and shot Spencer in the head. Spencer fell to the floor. Freddie walked over to Carly. "Is everything okay with you?", Carly nodded. "Only a few scratches.", "Carly, I wanted to ask you this before. But with this I didn't get the chance.", "Freddie, just ask. It's ok. I'm ok, you're ok. Everything is fine.", "Okay, Carly Shay. Will you marry me?", "Freddie, I didn't expect this. But, yes I want", Freddie gave her kiss. Sam started crying and applauding. "This is nice. This is true love.", Freddie put the ring around Carly's finger. Months passed again. The big day had finally arrived after a long countdown. "Is everything all right, Sam? Do I look good? If you were Freddie, would you marry me like that?", "Carly, don't stress! Everything is ok. You're beautiful!", Carly gave her best friend a hug. After half an hour she finally arrived in the church. Colonel Shay walked with Carly to the altar, where Freddie was waiting. "A small message, the pastor is sick. So I'm taking over.", "Gibby? Can you do that?", "Yes, it's not that hard. Freddie, do you take Carly Shay as your legal spouse?", "Yes, I will!", "Carly, you take Fredward Benson as your legal spouse?", "Yes, I will!, "Then you can now kiss each other!", Freddie gave a Carly a long kiss. "Anyone object to the marriage? Nobody? Ok!". A few minutes later they arrived in the banquet hall. The party started. A hooded man walked to the iCarly-gang. "Hello, who are you?", "Hello Carly, my name is John Kramer.", "This is impossible! You are dead.", "Not true, I didn't want to miss my family's wedding party.", "Family?", Carly and Freddie looked at each other. Who was a relative of this psychopath? "Carly, my dear niece.", Carly looked at him and fainted. 

iCarly - You can call me Carly, Carly Benson [A Creddie Fanfiction] (NO END)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin