1. Arrival

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CHAPTER 1: Arrival

His heart dropped into his stomach as he felt the forces of the world yank him upwards forcefully. He attempted to stand up, but failed once again as he tumbled onto the ground again.

The ground? Where was he? Was the ground rising? At such a rapid speed too. Every inch of his surroundings baffled him with each second passing.

His vision still blurry, he glanced around. Everything was obscure and dark. He couldn't clearly make out a single thing. Even so, he could feel that he was in an enclosed space, and the more he thought about this, the more claustrophobic he became.

The rising upward motion accelerated suddenly as he sucked in a breath. He looked up only to find not the vast, never-ending space that was there before but a solid surface. Goddammit, he cursed in his mind. If this bloody thing keeps going up, I'd be dead meat in a few seconds. He couldn't even remember what was happening before he ended up in this claustrophobic box.

How was he going to end his life? Crashing into a wall. Of course.

The concrete surface neared until his entire world shook violently as the box crashed right into the wall. Surprisingly, unlike what he had anticipated, the box held together sturdily and did not crack. It stopped steadily and for a brief moment he thought he would be held at this place forever. Thankfully, just as his thought had settled, the "wall" slid open. The sun pierced his pupils and he squinted to see.

Now that the box was unmoving, he stood up on his feet and decided it would be fitting for him to climb out. Where had he arrived at?

"Need a hand?" a heavily muscled Asian kid held out his palm for assistance.

"Er, yeah, thanks," he awkwardly managed. His voice croaked and his throat felt sticky. It felt like he had not drank or spoken for decades. The sensation was repulsive.

"Come on out, Greenie," the boy said. His voice was hard and his face was just as stiff. He gazed at the new boy's eyes at laughed a bit. "I know you're confused as shuck, but you don't have to worry too much. We're all still figuring things out here, too."

The new boy blinked, confused. "What are we even trying to figure out?"

The Asian kid shrugged and replied, "Oh, you know, how we shucking got here in the first place of course. And who in their right klunking minds would put people here anyway. For the most part - why none of us remember a shuck thing. You don't, do you? Do you remember your name?"

"Newt," the word spilled out automatically out of subconsciousness. It came out of nowhere, and Newt himself couldn't recollect where he got it from.

"Hey, nice job," the muscular Asian boy grinned. "That was about the quickest recollection of memory we've got here. I had to wait an afternoon to remember. My name's Minho." Minho grabbed Newt's arms and pulled him out of the Box. Newt stumbled onto the grass and gazed around him. The new world he had been sent to was near empty.

A hut built of sticks and logs plotted in the center of this gigantic place. Surrounding a field of grass where the hut stood were colossal stone walls that towered above the boys. There was a large gaping opening at each side of the four sides of the walls. Newt could see, from afar, a figure sprinting towards where Minho and Newt were standing. He seemed to be the only one around. This place is bloody huge for only three people, Newt thought.

"This is Alby," Minho introduced. "And Alby, this is Newt," Minho patted Newt on the back and said.

"Where are we?" Newt blurted. "How are we here?"

Alby, who seemed to be the more leading one of the boys, told him, "We have no idea. But welcome to the Glade."

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