Chapter 1

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Chan sat down her suitcase on the ground. She gazed at the airport. Brussels, finally a break from all the craziness of the last few weeks...

Few days earlier

"Bora you're alive!" Chan shouted into the phone.

"Of course I am hun, no demon will be the end of me! I'm too tough." Chan giggled.

"Well that's good to hear." The mood changed when Chan remembered the other reason why she called Bora.

"Um Bora, have the police found aunt Hari's body?" Chan's aunt Hari, died the day Chan found out she was half demon. Hari was killed by the demon Axel, a twink as Gyueonghui now calls him (for certain reasons). Chan could hear Bora sighing on the otherside of the line.

"I'm sorry hun, no luck. Wherever Axel hid the body, he hid it well. But I'll make sure they won't stop looking," Bora responded. A tear fell down the side of Chan's cheek. She had no family. Her mom, dead. Aunt, dead. Her uncle, who knows what happened to him. Dad, freaking Satan himself (no seriously, he's the king of hell). All Chan had, was her friends and boyfriend. Pretty lonely to be honest. 

"Okay Bora, I'll call you again soon okay?"

"You got it hun. And tell your angel friend to call Axel a twink to his face the next time she runs into him."

"How do you know about the twink nickname?"

"Oh shit got to go sayonara!"And the phone hung up there. Chan sighed. 

Present Day

"You sure Milo has called you recently?" Gyueonghui said to Micah. Micah growled.

"Yes of course he did. He said he and Harley are fine and some VSCO girl did get herself caught in the crossfire but she's fine," Micah responded.

"What do you mean a VSCO girl got included into the whole damn Horsemen of the Apocolypse mess!!" Chan laughed as her friends continued agruging. Micah's brother Milo left with Death AKA Harley to go to California to find Harley's horsemen buds. Chan was kind of jealous. She's never been to America, must be fun.

"You have your thinking face again." Chan yelped and turned around to see her boyfriend Ye. 

"Oh sorry just thinking about how fun it must be in California," she responded. Ye laughed.

"Both of us knows too well that Milo probably already got lost in one of those cities and almost got mugged," Ye said sarcastically. Chan laughed at the joke. 

"Well he's got Harley to protect him, so he'll be fine." Ye nodded in agreement. He looked around the airport. 

"Brussels, Belgium. This is going to be a fun vacation."

"Let's hope we don't run into any demons eh?" Chan said elbowing Ye's stomach. Ye put his sunglasses on his head.

"Please don't jnyx us princess."

"Don't worry I was only joking!"

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