"Does anyone else smell that..?" Blue trailed off.

Everyone in the room turned to look at him.

"Wait a second... That smells like smoke!" Ink exclaimed.

"I must have left the stove on again!" Blueberry shouted, quickly jumping up and running towards the kitchen.

"Wait up!" Ink shouted, reluctantly letting go of Error's arms and following the small skeleton to where the kitchen was.

This left Dream and Error the only ones left in the living room.

"ShOuLd wE gO HeLp tHeM?" The destroyer asked as a few shouts could be heard in the far off distance, likely coming from the kitchen.

"No, I think they'll be alright. It's not the first time..." Dream replied.

"Plus, it was done on purpose..." The keeper of dreams mused with a smirk.

The destroyer over heard and tensed up.

"Don't worry, it's for good reason!" Dream replied cheerfully.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen. The creator quickly turned off the stove and opened up the smoking oven. The smoke flew into his face as he did so, causing him to cough. The smoke soon cleared up.

Ink then glanced inside to see what used to be a tray of cookies, but now appeared to be nothing but ash. He grabbed some nearby oven mitts and put them on before turning his vision back towards the oven.

"Heh, I hope no one was planning to eat these." Ink stated as he took the hot tray out and stood up.

"Yeah..." Blueberry trailed off, clearly a little nervous. "Sorry about that."

"Hey, it didn't burn the house down, nor catch on fire, so no harm done." The creator replied.

"I still feel like I should be sorry..." Blueberry replied.

"What for?" Ink asked.

"For this!" Blue exclaimed, snapping his fingers of his left hand quickly, summoning blue bone attacks that went around and through the artist, trapping him where he was.

It happened too fast for the creator act. He was trapped by the attack.

"Blue, what the heck?!" Ink exclaimed, making sure to hold still so he wouldn't be damaged.

There were hundreds of the blue bones, none of them the same size.

"Don't worry, it's all part of the plan!" Blueberry replied with a cheerful smile.

"DoN't yOu ThInk we ShOULd cHeck on ThEm?" Error asked the skeleton sitting not too far from him. "For TurNing oFf a StOve itS tAkIng a WhIle."

The response he got was the sound of Dream summoning his bow, loading it, and aiming it it just in front of the destroyer in a threatening manner.

Error held his breath and remained completely still, eyeing the other and the loaded bow.

"I'm positive. they'll. be. fine." Dream stated plainly, watching the destroyer's every action carefully.

Oh shi- What the hell! Was it something I said?! The destroyer began to panic.

"Besides, shouldn't you be more concerned about your current situation?" The keeper of dreams asked. "I know neither of us wants a fight, and we won't get one, as long as you play along."

Error anxiously sat there, daring to not move. He slowly sat back more on the couch, never looking away from the other.

I could easily defeat him in a fight, but what would Ink think? I don't want to upset him... I guess I could play along, but what would that entail? The destroyer asked himself. I'll just try to play along, and if all else fails and he makes the first attack I have an excuse to fight back...

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