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Hazel knew Jamie and Landon knew Gus and Isacc. Shortly after Jamie and Landon had gotten  married they moved to Indiana and Jamie begun attending support group. Landon had met Gus through basketball. By the time Jamie began support group, she had stopped responded to treatment. Hazel and Gus travel to Amsterdam, where he reveals to her that his cancer has returned.  After they return home, they discover Jamie was worse. The first day back at support group, Jamie is wheeled off the evelator by Landon, she had taken the elevator,  a last day activity at the support group. A few days later, she dies. Everyone attends her funeral in North Carolina. After, Landon decideds to return back to Indiana. A few days upon returning, Gus tells him and Isacc about the caner. As Gus gets worse, Hazel stays by his bedside when she can. Landon comforts her, knowing how it feels to watch the one you love slowly dying from cancer and knowing there is nothing you can do. Eventually Gus dies. Hazel turns to Landon and they begin to comfort and mend each other. Helping the other cope with the loss of their love. However, will something else happen? Will Hazel and Landon discover they are star-crossed lovers? Or is it too late for Hazel and how much time does she even have left? 

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