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RAISING A TREMBLING HAND TO her warm cheek, Chara took in her pale features in the mirror. Her fingers still trembled from her time in the presence of the lord of the manor; their conversation ringing in her ears. It was a wonder she could stand up to him, to speak so boldly before a man of power and influence without giving in to her nervousness. The very thought of it still left her stomach quivering.

However, a wonder was all it was to be, for rather than concede to marrying her, he had simply turned from her and exited the room, leaving her standing there in fear and confusion.

Her fears were barely put at ease when a maid arrived a few minutes later and ushered her to a bedchamber that matched the grandeur of the mansion she was in. The massive canopy bed was nothing like her battered body had ever been on, the lush carpets and fine wooden furniture making for a room prepared for a queen. She knew her time to be spent here was short, but she did not think it was possible to enjoy the luxury for even a second.

Turning from the mirror, she made her way over to the settee by the fireplace and perched on the edge. She needed to rest not only her trembling, aching legs but also her troubled mind. She leaned back against the chair and closed her eyes, giving into a restless slumber.

She was awakened several hours later by a nudge on her shoulder. Moaning softly, she stretched both arms over her head and sat upright.

"Forgive me, miss." The stranger curtsied. "Mr. Hendrix wishes to have lunch with you. I shall help you get dressed."

He wanted to eat with her. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and fighting to conceal her fear, she nodded and rose to her feet.

"I only wish for some warm water. I shall help myself get dressed." She didn't need a maid beholding her naked form, not only for the fear of the ravaged state of her body being seen, but she also feared that the mark of slavery that seared her neck, just below her hairline, could easily be seen while the maid washed her hair.

Confusion flashed briefly through the maid's brown eyes. "If you are certain, I shall bring in the warm water."

"Please," Chara said, curtsying.

Realizing her folly too late, she turned sharply from the maid to the fireplace, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Leave now." Her voice failed to carry the authority she intended as she mentally scolded herself for bowing to a maid. It had been an unplanned, unconscious action; one that undoubtedly left the maid confused. Her action also posed a danger to her true identity, for what sort of mistress bowed to her maid?!

The kind who wasn't.

It was true; she wasn't a mistress. But Miss Cartridge was, and for the period she was to remain in the manor, she was to be Miss Cartridge, not Chara. Miss Cartridge might have died, but it was Chara's life that meant nothing. It was therefore important for her survival that she put Chara to death and give life to Miss Cartridge, for she realized the planet could only deal with one of them.


Jeffery was not in the least happy, but he needed to ignore his feelings if he was going to face the truth—the bitter, vile truth of the hopeless situation he was now in.

Straightening as he watched Miss Cartridge make her way into the dining room, he could not help the frown that claimed his face at the sight of her. She was clothed in a new dress from the one she had arrived at the manor with earlier, but the blue fabric still hung on her thin frame. It swept the marbled floor as she crossed the room to where he stood.

"Mr. Hendrix," she curtsied, her large, dim brown eyes coming to rest on him as she straightened.

Once again, he couldn't help his displeasure at her physical appearance. But the more he beheld her, the more apparent it became to him that her physical features could be improved upon, perhaps by some food. He was uncertain if beauty could lie beneath the dry skin that clung to drier bones or that light could return to her eyes. But he didn't think he had a choice but to marry her, for although she was unsightly, she was smart. Perhaps too smart? Her words had left him reeling with fear all morning until he could no longer deny the truth of them; he needed to keep his promise to marry her in order to win a seat in parliament.

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