"Why what happened?" Anna asked coming up to us.

"Sky went all bananas when your brother asked where Joe was." I said to her.

"Yikes, I don't know why you even like him Sky, you can do WAY better. James is a jerk head." Anna laughs.

Skylar rolls her eyes, "Thats because he is your brother. You think all of your brothers are nasty but there all very pretty." Sky smiled the last part.

Anna has 8 other siblings. 4 brothers and 4 sisters so there is 9 including her. I feel bad for their mother, she is Italian and very strict but she deals with them so well.

Skylar doesn't have brothers only 3 older sisters and 2 younger sisters. While I only have 1 brother. How can they deal with that many children in their families?


"See you at lunch Anna!" I tell her.

"Bye girl!" Sky says to her as Anna runs off waving at us.

Skylar and I have our first class together which is Biology.

Then I have Math, Spanish and lunch after lunch we all have gym class together and then I have British Literature with Anna, logic and last we all take Politics together.

My first set of classes come and go in a blur. Basically me sitting there bored out of my mind trying my best to listen and not punch the person chewing gum like a horse. Then putting down a bunch of notes they tell us to right and collect the homework and then on to the next class.

At lunch I grab my lunch bag and sit at our table.

It has 5 chairs but its usually just us three girls because the boys are 'jocks'. They both play for our schools football team and sit with their team, but occasionally they sit with us.

Today my friends is not that day.

I sit and open up my lunch to see the bagel I brought for myself and my water.

Skylar buys food from the cafiteria her poor soul. Her moms a lawyer and her dads a paster so they have enough money but still send her to eat the schools poison.

Anna on the other hand has amazing looking food. You would think that there would never be left overs because of 11 people including 5 dudes eating. But remember when I told you their mom is Italian? Well she makes feasts every day so they have plenty left overs.

She had an enchilada, fresh strawberries, apple slices and blueberries in a little bowl and a smoothy.

Ugh healthy people make my bagel and cream cheese sound gross and fatty. But guess what? I can't get fat! I have a fast metabolism and a bunch of diseases making me pretty skinny. People think im anorexic but thats when you want so badly to be skinny you stop eating. No Im just real skinny and was born very boney.

After lunch and the rest of my classes I headed home. I walked inside to see my dads little group of friends on our couch smoking cigarettes. My dad wasnt here and I knew the others were because of all there motorcycles in the driveway.

"Hey there Princess." One of the guys called Vinny said.

"Hello Vinny." I said back walking to my room and getting my homework out.

I started doing schoolwork trying to pass time.

Jackson will be here to protect me from those nasty men at 5:30 and my dad will be home at 6:00.

At 5:30 I usually start making dinner and so my dad will have food once he gets home or he will beat me up.

Its 4:00 right now and school got out at 3:30. So I have about an hour and 30 minutes to do my homework.

Broken Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now