Gabe shrugged. "Nothing really."


"Well, I mean, remember that guy who was super hostile when you dropped me off? The one with the dog? I was sharing a room with him and he still doesn't like me. I didn't do anything, though."

"And I suppose it's not your fault, again."

"Yes? You were there. I didn't did nothing. He just took one look at me and instantly decided he hated me."

"Uh huh." Gabe's dad tapped his keys against the steering wheel. "And how many times has that happened to you?"

Gabe shrugged, because, well... many times.

"If one person hates you, it's probably not your fault. If everyone hates you, it's time to consider that you might just be the problem."

"Not everyone hates me. The girls liked me. I think Alice liked me, too."

"Girls like you. Guys take one look at you and they can tell."

"Tell what?"

"You know what."

Gabe swallowed and looked away.

"Nobody ever told me and I can tell."

"So, what, everyone just hates me because I'm gay? That's not my fault. I can't help that."

"The problem is that nobody needs to know that shit, Gabe. There's this guy I've known for years. Worked with him for a bit, played soccer and went fishing together sometimes on the weekends. I never knew he was gay until his partner got sick and he mentioned it off hand. If you just dress and act and talk like a normal person and don't bring it up then nobody will know and nobody can care."

"Were you still friends with him after he told you?"

"Yes. He didn't shove it in my face so I didn't care. Nobody did. It's not the being attracted to guys part that really bothers people. It's the whole..." He gestured vaguely. "Thing."

Gabe turned to look out the window as his dad started the car. "Right."

The rest of the drive and the elevator trip up to the apartment took place in silence. It was only after they were inside with the door shut that Gabe's dad finally looked at him again.

"Come on," he said, tilting his head to indicate for Gabe to follow him.

"Why?" Gabe asked as he followed his dad to the bathroom.

Gabe's dad leant down to get something out of the bathroom drawers. "I'm going to help you do something about all this."

Gabe took a step back when his dad turned around with a set of electric clippers in his hand. "Uhh... what exactly do you plan to do with those?"

"I'm going to buzz your hair short. It's not everything, but it's a start."

Gabe ran a hand through his ear length hair and shook his head. "No thank you. I like how I look."

Gabe's dad put the clippers down next to the sink with more force than necessary. "That's part of the problem, Gabe. You're a teenage boy. Caring about your appearance like that isn't normal."

Gabe looked his dad in the eye. His voice shook when he spoke. "I don't want to be normal. I just want to be me."

"Just... come here." Gabe's dad grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the sink.

Gabe's eyes went wide as he came to the sudden realisation that he didn't know he was safe with his dad. Sure, he'd never hurt him before, but the amount of time he'd spent in his dad's care in his entire life could be best measured in days. He didn't know this man.

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