Chapter 44

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"I've done everything I can for you, Jaggedtail." Barkclaw mewed. "It's your turn now." Jaggedtail sighed, it was the day after Elmstar had been driven out and Jaggedtail had barely slept. His wounds had been treated and he had been given herbs for strength but nothing could give him the mental strength it would need to kill his friend, he just had to hope that when the time finally came, he would be able to do it.

Jaggedtail walked out of the medicine cat den, he saw that Mossleaf, Maplepool and Cherrypool were all waiting for him. Jaggedtail took a deep breath. "Mossleaf...Maplepool, I'm so sorry that I have to do this."

"Don't apologize, Jaggedtail." Maplepool's eyes were overflowed with sadness. "Elmstar isn't the cat I used to know, he's not my mate and he's not Mossleaf's father anymore. We both understand what has to be done, it just hurts."

"Jaggedtail I'm so sorry for the things that I said to you." Mossleaf whimpered. "I don't want to lose my father but...he almost ruined the Clan." Mossleaf was overcome with sadness and fell into Maplepool who began to comfort her.

Cherrypool stepped forward. "Jaggedtail," She breathed out. "I know how hard this is for you, but please...please come back to me." Cherrypool pressed her nose into Jaggedtail's, and her fears were justified. Elmstar had eight lives, Jaggedtail only had one. This would be a hard fight, and if Jaggedtail lost then LichenClan was doomed to fall. I can't lose. Jaggedtail told himself over and over.

"I need to go." Jaggedtail mewed. "I have to find Elmstar." He didn't want to move, he wanted to stay in camp and forget about everything that had happened but he couldn't. He had to do this, no matter what. Jaggedtail didn't announce his departure, he just set out into the forest, following the blood trail that Elmstar had left behind.

As Jaggedtail followed the trail, his mind wandered to the past. He thought about when they were all kits, before Robinkit had died. Everything was so easy, so simple. All they had to worry about was playing and having fun. Then Robinkit died and they became apprentices, Jaggedtail had been so excited to train. Even though he broke his tail, he had so much fun as an apprentice. Elmstar didn't. Jaggedtail thought, he had been an apprentice when he killed Blacksky, and changed so much for LichenClan.

They became warriors, and everything seemed so perfect. Jaggedtail, Elmstar and Maplepool all fought side by side to earn their warrior names and served their Clan happily. Rowanfang left and became a kittypet, Elmstar had been severely hurt by that and then he had lost his mother. Jaggedtail had been worried about him back then, but then he fell in love with Maplepool and they had Mossleaf. Jaggedtail painfully realized that that was the last time he had seen Elmstar genuinely happy. What happened to him?

Jaggedtail didn't believe that Elmstar was evil, he never wanted to do this to LichenClan but some kind of darkness had consumed him, something had turned him into the violent, bloodthirsty leader that he was now. I won't remember him as Elmstar, but as Elmheart, a wonderful warrior, a dedicated father and mate and my best friend.

As Jaggedtail followed the blood trail, he noticed it got bigger, not smaller. Then he came across a large stain of crimson in the snow. In the snow was the shape of a cat who had fallen. Elmstar lost a life from the wound I gave him. Jaggedtail thought painfully. He had clearly gotten back up and Jaggedtail could follow his scent and paw prints from here on, they were leading to the twolegplace. If he ran off in there, I don't know if I will be able to find him. Jaggedtail thought with worry.

With a sigh, Jaggedtail pressed on. He noticed that Elmstar's paw prints were shaky and unstable and he had stumbled several times. The prints didn't go directly to the twolegplace, but veered off as he grew closer. The edge of the twolegplace wasn't far, but it was so close to a thunderpath. He's weak. Jaggedtail thought. But he still has seven lives to lose.

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